Cena Brings House Down at the Rumble!

Royal RumbleEric Walker reports on the Royal Rumble live from Madison Square Garden!

I just got back from the Royal Rumble at MSG and it was one of the hottest and loudest WWE shows I’ve ever been to. The crowd was hot for literally everything.

1. Ric Flair vs. MVP: Crowd pops huge for Flair. Good match with a couple good false finishes. Flair winning gets huge pop.

2. Chris Jericho vs. JBL: Fans were all over JBL. JBL wins by DQ after insane brawl. Crowd did not like finish.

3. Edge vs. Rey Mysterio: Shockingly, the crowd was 75-25 for Edge. Rey booed often loudly, not sure if that came over on TV or not. Edge wins with the spear and loud pop.

4. Jeff Hardy vs. Randy Orton: Crowd was totally behind Hardy and expected a title change. Orton winning and clean did not sit well with the live crowd.

The segment with Ashley, Maria, Santino Marella and the dancing fat guy went over like a brick. Crowd didn’t really care a whole lot, except when Maria posing nude was mentioned.

Royal Rumble: Undertaker’s entrance is awe inspiring live. Crowd was hot from minute 1. Biggest pops were for Taker, Michaels, Foley, Snuka, Piper and HHH. Batista oddly gets booed loudly.

I don’t know if TV did this justice, but Cena’s entrance erupted the arena. Everyone jumped when Cena arrived. NY crowd did the usual boo Cena and cheer HHH afterwards but popped huge when Cena won.

Overall, a great PPV with a hot WWE crowd. Piper and Snuka were fun suprises but Cena being a surprise entrant brought the house down. Fireworks were loud and hot. Great WWE show.

— Eric Walker
Wrestling Beltworld Entertainment
National Championship Wrestling