Celtic Warrior Sheamus O’Shaunessy News

Sheamus O'ShaunessyCeltic Warrior Sheamus O’Shaunessy got disqualified in a heated match with Steve Lewington on Saturday night for what is probably Wrestling’s first ever ‘UOA’ violation. For those of you not in-the-know, U.O.A. stands for: USE OF AXE!!Entering the packed JCC Arena in on a hot Saturday night in Florida’s Port Richey to his ‘Irish Curse’ theme tune, a snarling Sheamus O’Shaunessy wasn’t interested in ingratiating himself to the baying locals and Florida Championship Wrestling fans… He was there to do-the-business and finish off his opponent Steve Lewington using any means.

In a fired-up exchange both grapplers fared well but Lewington broke ahead hitting ‘SOS’ with a gut wrenching Suplex followed by a Sonic Boom and culminating a running Dropkick. It looked like the Irishman’s perfect FCW record was about to ended but before Lewington could get the cover, Sheamus rolled out of the ring and grabbed his trusty double-headed Axe ‘An Troid’. Re-entering the ring with the illegal weapon SOS swung for Lewington, incurring an instant disqualification.

Lewington ducked the frenzied attack, kicked O’Shaunessy in the stomach, and somehow managed to grab the crazed Irishman’s axe! Steve then chased Sheamus from the ring with the lethal weapon and the exchange continued backstage at the Arena.

Sheamus O’Shaunessy will now face Steve Lewington again on Tuesday night (16th of October) in a tag-team match up in Bourbon Street Night Club, New Port Richey, Florida. Sheamus will team up with Ricklon while Lewington is combining with Johnny Curtis. Should be a very interesting rematch…