Recent Dolph Ziggler interview

Recent Dolph Ziggler interview

Arda Ocal (@arda_ocal) of the Score TV in Canada and the Baltimore Sun recently had the chance to speak with WWE Superstar Dolph Ziggler about a number of topics. Here are the highlights: How he feels about Zack Ryder’s show ‘Z: True Long Island...
“How to Make a Monster” by The Masked Man

“How to Make a Monster” by The Masked Man

How to Make a Monster The beginner’s guide to Ryback, the WWE superstar who’s headlining Hell in a Cell Written by The Masked Man from Sunday night, Atlanta, Georgia. It’s Hell in a Cell time, kids. It’s a night of gruesome...
Recent Chris Jericho interview

Recent Chris Jericho interview

David Dexter reports that former WWE Superstar Chris Jericho called Dave Lagreca and Mike Riker on Busted Open to get his take on Ryback vs CM Punk at Hell In A Cell. You can hear Busted Open on Sirius 92, XM 208 and on Sports Zone on the internet. Chris Jericho on...
Recent CM Punk interview

Recent CM Punk interview

Arda Ocal (@arda_ocal) of the Score Television Network and the Baltimore Sun recently spoke with current WWE Champion CM Punk about the upcoming WWE ’13 video game, his ‘Hell in a Cell’ opponent, what he’d still like to accomplish in WWE and...
Recent Hugo Savinovich interview

Recent Hugo Savinovich interview writer Marc Middleton reports that former WWE Spanish announcer Hugo Savinovich joined “Inside The Ropes” last week to talk about his WWE career, Sin Cara and more.  Here are some highlights: On the big deal over the CM Punk fan incident: “It’s...