Lukas Jacobs

Lukas Jacobs

Title History IWA Mid-South junior heavyweight title defeating Kevin Giza (August 1, 2019); IWA Mid-South junior heavyweight title defeating Brayden Lee (March 5, 2020); Career Highlights September 16, 2016 – OVW TV (Taped): Shane Mercer defeated Lukas Jacobs in...
Max The Impaler

Max The Impaler

Title History IWA Mid-South women’s title defeating Lukas Jacobs (January 3, 2019); IWA Mid-South women’s title (2nd time – title needs info); OVW women’s title defeating Megan Bayne (October 29, 2019); H20 women’s title defeating Terra...
Karen BamBam

Karen BamBam

Title History VPW women’s title defeating Ariela Nyx (January 11, 2020); TOS heavyweight title, title needs info Career Highlights August 18, 2018 – VPW: Eris Rayne defeated Ariela Nyx and Karen BamBam in a 3-way match. September 22, 2018 – VPW: Eris...


Title History PWA tag team titles w Billy Buck winning a Survivor Games match (June 17, 2017); DOA Pure Wrestling title (Title needs Info); DOA heavyweight title winning a 4-way match (September 23, 2018); DEFY World title defeating Artemis Spencer (August 23, 2019);...

Artemis Spencer

Title History VIPW tag team titles w Tony Baroni defeating Team X-Treme (June 28, 2014); NWA Canadian Heavyweight title defeating Nelson Creed (January 17, 2015); ECCW title winning a 4-way match (July 11, 2015); NWA Canadian Heavyweight title defeating Tony Baroni...
Chandler Hopkins

Chandler Hopkins

Title History MPX tag team titles w Cody Dickson winning a 3-way tag team match (September 16, 2017); IWR Revolutionary title winning a 3-way match (October 7, 2017); MPX Addicts title defeating Ryan Remington (October 13, 2018); Texoma Pro tag team titles w Malico...