by David Buckler | Apr 11, 2014 | Miscellaneous
Courtesy of WWE executive vice president Paul “Triple H” Levesque discusses the death of wrestling icon The Ultimate Warrior.
by OWW Contributor | Apr 9, 2014 | Miscellaneous
Courtesy of writer Ron Snyder, photo courtesy of Getty Images. Mick Foley spent decades getting hit with steel chairs, tied up in barbed wire and diving 15 feet off of steel cages — all in an effort to send his fans home happy. Foley, 48,...
by David Buckler | Apr 4, 2014 | Merchandise, Miscellaneous
Courtesy of writer Mike Mooneyham: Rob Schamberger didn’t know much about pro wrestling when he caught his first televised mat show nearly 16 years ago. He was 18 years old, doing laundry at his parents’ house, and his stepfather was...
by David Buckler | Apr 4, 2014 | Indies, Miscellaneous, WWE
Former ECW Champion and WWE Superstar Justin Credible has published a new column at Credible discusses his favorite WWE WrestleMania moments. Here are some highlights from his article: “WrestleMania 17. This was my favorite WrestleMania for many...
by OWW Contributor | Apr 2, 2014 | Indies, Merchandise, Miscellaneous
“Finding Zach Gowen” Official Trailer Released – Available Worldwide & In New Orleans Starting This Friday View the “Finding Zach Gowen” trailer featuring Zach Gowen, Jimmy Jacobs, Truth Martini, Rhino, Paul London, Jimmy Korderas,...
by David Buckler | Mar 28, 2014 | Indies, Miscellaneous
Anarchy Wrestling TV taping report: March 22, 2014 The crowd was down a bit from 3-8 for the 3-22 TV taping, the last before Hardcore Hell on March 29, but they were loud and involved all evening. Miss Rachael brought out the Laredo Kid claiming he was another victim...