The 2014 CAC raffle belt is spectacular

The 2014 CAC raffle belt is spectacular

The Cauliflower Alley Club reunion is in full swing in Las Vegas, NV and the club’s yearly raffle belt is simply spectacular.  It features all of the main honorees for 2014 and is truly one of a kind.  The belt is made each year by Reggie Parks, Dave Millican,...
Former WWE tag team champs added to NEPW FanFest

Former WWE tag team champs added to NEPW FanFest

XPac and Nasty Boys, Brian Knobbs and Jerry Saggs, have been added to the huge 6/21 New England Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame and FanFest as vendor guests. Visit for pricing. New England Pro WrestlingFanFest takes place June 21, 2014 Saturday, June...