Tyler Bateman

Tyler Bateman

Title History SBW Submission title defeating Tito Escondido (February 28, 2015); UWN Television title defeating James Morgan (May 15, 2016); AWS heavyweight title winning a 3-way match (August 26, 2016); SBW title defeating Joey Kaos (October 28, 2016); FCW...


Title History The Crash tag team titles w Bandido winning a 4-way tag team match (March 17, 2018); PROGRESS tag team titles w Bandido defeating AR Fox [Replacement for Kid Lykos] & Chris Brookes (August 11, 2018); ROH World 6 man tag team titles w Bandido &...
NWA Into The Fire Results

NWA Into The Fire Results

Quick results from Saturday night’s NWA Into the Fire PPV event held at GPB Studios in Atlanta, Georgia. NWA Into the Fire Results The announcers were Joe Galli and Stu Bennett (formally Wade Barrett in WWE) Eli Drake vs. Ken Anderson Drake jumped from the ring to the...
Kevin Blanchard

Kevin Blanchard

Title History MWF Regional title defeating Stew Ramjattan (December 14, 2013); LDDC tag team titles w Urban Miles winning a tournament (February 8, 2019); IWS Canadian title defeating Frank Milano (March 23, 2019); NSPW junior heavyweight title winning a 4-way match...
Angel Hayze

Angel Hayze

Title History SSW Diamonds title defeating Sara (September 30, 2017); ICW women’s title winning a tournament (November 20, 2021); ACME Comic Con Interpromotional Title winning a battle royal (September 23, 2023); Pro2 Belles title winning a tag team match...
Crash Jaxon

Crash Jaxon

Title History Rockstar Pro tag team titles w Ron Mathis defeating Austin Manix & Brandon Edwards (November 28, 2018); Rockstar Pro tag team titles w Christian Kobain defeating Benjamin Boone & Mr. Bruise (June 19, 2019); Career History March 24, 2017 –...