Buddy Landel on In Your Head Online

Buddy Landel on In Your Head Online
Recap written By Andrew Pritchard

Buddy Landel joined the In Your Head crew for the October 7, 2009 edition of In Your Head Wrestling Radio, Jack and One Inch Biceps conducted the Interview.

To listen to the full interview go to http://www.InYourHeadOnline.com

On October 24 in Monroe, New Jersey, “The Nature Boy” Buddy Landel will be appearing at the NWA Legends Booth at the Legends of the Ring, for more information visit:

Jack starts off the interview by asking Buddy Landel how he’s doing, Buddy says he’s doing great.

Jack asks if its good getting back out there meeting the fans and wrestlers he hasn’t seen in a while, Buddy says his last big appearance was the Fanfest in January 2005, four and a half years ago and he says he showed his hind end at that Fanfest and said he thought he had ruined a life long relationship with his good friend Greg Price and Landel says he always wanted to apologize because when you do something wrong you want to repent and everyone to forgive you, but some people hurt their friends bad and he says he hurt Greg Price really bad and it took this long for Greg to soften up to the idea of giving himself a second chance and he is eternally grateful for his second chance, and opening up his heart and giving him the second chance, and he was going through some bad stuff in his life at that time though not to make excuses but he was hammered at the show and pretty much everyone had enough of him and after that he says he sunk into a deep depression, he said he just became reckless he says he doesn’t really know the chain of events which changed the course of his life but none the less he’s lost 70 pounds and got his hair back blonde and has been going to Gym a couple of times a day and is feeling good, and is looking forward for people to see Buddy Landel the way they remember him.

Jack asks if he kept the robes and Buddy says he didn’t and gave four or five of them away and two of them were stolen by two different individuals, but he still has one and he says that Adrian Street and Linda are in the process of making a new one for himself, and Matt Riviera is going to make him a real nice one and thinks it’ll be the last one he’ll ever obtain. He says in a joking manner he thinks that Vince McMahon or Terry Taylor or Dixie Carter is going to come up to his front door on his knees any day and beg him to come back to work.

Jack asks if he’s wrestled within the last few years and Landel says he’s wrestled a few small shows, and he wrestled up in Arkansas a few weeks ago and that was it and says he really hasn’t done much at all and says he really hasn’t worked in 5 years.

Jack asks what Bill Watts is like to work for, Landel says he talked to Bill Watts once or twice a month and he was like a father and was a great guy and he loves Bill Watts, and he loved him then and loved him now, and he would pressure you and the territory was hard, not a lot of interstates and in 1984 he says he drove 100,000 miles that year not flying but driving the back roads, Buddy says he would drive 2,000 to 3,000 miles a week and that was just what they did, he says in his opinion and he says he needs to prep this as his opinion because he’s read in his other shoot interview he did and people had their opinions on what the shoot was like and said that some people think that Buddy has an over inflated opinion or he places himself too high on the cards and that they say he was Midcarder at best, and says that the pricks forget when he was 23 years old he was wrestling the World Heavyweight Champion, not for 1 or 2 matches but for half of the summer and selling out where they went so he says he isn’t over inflating himself and if Crockett or Dusty didn’t think he was Main Event material, selling out everywhere and breaking Elvis Presley’s Attendance record in Dorton Arena in Raleigh, North Carolina but he says he digress’ and says that Bill was a very hard person to work for and says in his opinion 1984 was the greatest Roster of Talent put together in one territory and the guys they had that year from top to bottom could have been Main Event and was at one time or the other and lists a bunch of names such as DiBiase and Rock N Roll Express, and he says it was awesome, he says the Bible says Iron sharpens Iron and what it’s saying is somebody good will make you better and everybody worked hard and with Watts he made you work hard.

Caller Gene asks about The Iron Sheik. Buddy tells some crazy stories involving him and The Sheik. The first story involves Sheik smoking crack in an airport and the 2nd about a woman Sheik brought back to their room. Buddy woke up the next morning and saw blood everywhere, even dried on Sheik’s mustache. It turned out that the woman was on her period and Sheiky had a wild night of sex with her anyway.

Other highlights include Ribs, Magnum TA, talk on Flair’s recent news of the NWA World Belt, Cornette and much more.

Remember these are just highlights to listen to the full In Your Head Interview head on over to InYourHeadOnline.com and you can also check out their 4+ year archive which include interviews from Matt Morgan, Steve Corino, Tammy Lynn Sytch aka Sunny, Jimmy Hart and many more, Upcoming Guests include, Scott Hudson, Shelton Benjamin‘s Mama, Wrestlicious’ Hollywood and on October 14, 2009 Rock Riddle will be on the show at 8:05PM Eastern.