Bob Magee
Pro Wrestling: Between the Sheets
It tells you something ablout someone in wrestling when of all websites, has a actual headline about an wrestling figure being fired and titles it “TNA fires douchebag”. While wrestling has more than its share of real-life douchebags, it’s the first time I know of that Dave Meltzer’s website called such a person for what they are.
As you’ve read by now, Todd Clem, otherwise known as “Bubba the Love Sponge” qualifies for this distinction of being called a “douchebag”…and then some.
For some it was bad enough that he was in TNA as Hulk Hogan’s crony. But that’s hardly the first time a Hogan crony has gtten a gig…in WWF or TNA. So other than to make you groan…not worth much thought.
Then, in the wake of the Haiti tragedy, Clem lets out publicly with this statement:
“I say %$#@ Haiti. Why do we have to take care of everybody our country is in shambles? ”
Clem got his ass kicked backstage by Awesome Kong….an action that resulted in her eventual termination; despite her hard work in getting over her character at a time when very little seems to be getting over in TNA. She worked even harder in organizing events for Haitian relief after learning of the disaster.
Even the TNA Impact Zone crowds that seem to drink orange and red colored Kool Aid knew that this was wrong and chanted for his firing repeatedly at taping after taping. Clem got stiffed accidentally (on purpose?) by a Mick Foley punch, no doubt caused by Foley’s contempt for Clem’s Haiti comments. Following all this, and her firing, Amazing Kong filed a lawsuit against Bubba after she claimed that Clem called her in the middle of the night and made “threatening and racist remarks”.
Even after all this, Clem was kept on TNA TV as the house mike jockey for “The Band”.
Finally this past week, the crap hit the fan after Clem suckered Awesome Kong on the Cowhead radio show, repeatedly referring to her as a “bitch”, a “coward”, a “big fake black bitch”, a “black bitch”, a p$#@y, “a compulsive liar”, “faking a {mental] breakdown” and calling for her to fight him in a “sanctioned fight”. He then again ridiculed Haiti. Listen to this lowlife for yourself at this link.
TNA, which never announces when they terminate talent, announced the following on their Twitter: “Effective immediately, TNA Wrestling has elected to terminate the services of Todd Clem p/k/a Bubba the Love Sponge.” The statements by Bubba apparently angered Dixie Carter so much that she personally fired Clem.
Clem, in his “Bubba the Love Sponge” tweeted a response to his firing with this tirade containing the following hightlights (mis-spellings are Clem’s)
…i was going to take the high road but looks like tna has fired the first shot…[Dixie Carter] based my firing on anti bubba tweets. Bubba Army, you guys are simply the best. Nobody could ask for better fans. TNA fans are nothing but a bunch of little cowardly #$^%$s.
…You love oiled up men in tights. You are a douche nozzle that thinks wrestling is real. Get a #$#@ing life. Go away….You’re entire life is pointless. Go back to $#%^ing your sister and watching TNA you white trash simpleton
Somehow I think his own remarks on the Cowhead radio show did a more than adequate job at getting him fired than any tweets posted by anyone, anywhere. Speaking of “oiled up men in tights”, its funny how Clem didn’t mind kissing up to an oiled up man in tights for years, as long as he was getting a paycheck or notoriety from him. if Hogan has one ounce of decency, he’ll stay as far away from this idiot as possible and let him fade away.
Presumably this will result in less “Bubba Army” members at the TNA Impact tapings in Orlando, meaning the average IQ level of those attending TNA Impact tapings will go up by an average of 50 points.
Until next time…
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