Brian Blair shoots back at the Iron Sheik


 You’ve heard all the stories. Now hear from the Bee himself. That’s right. Former WWF Superstar and Hillsborough County Commissioner B. Brian Blair joins for a back-breaking and humbling 47 minute shoot interview you can’t miss.


The former Killer Bee Brian Blair discusses many stories from his new life in politics among a ton of other topics including… Coverage of His Recent Legal Situation, Pat Patterson’s Crush On Him, Firsthand Story of Brutus Beefcake’s Parasailing Accident, Pulling Brutus Out Of The Water, Where The Initial “B” Came From, Advice For Linda McMahon’s Senate Run, The Political Opponent Who Put Strings On Brian’s LJN Action Figure, Jerry Lawler Riding In a Car With No Driver, The Rib That Saw Brian Moon a Restaurant Full of People, , Living With Jesse Ventura, Vince McMahon Sr.’s Loyalty To The NWA, Turning Down Howard Stern, Dusty Rhodes, Bill Watts, Eddie Graham, The Brisco Brothers, and Tons More. You can read a complete list of topics right now at


For years, Brian Blair’s name has been linked to the Iron Sheik. In many interviews, including his shoot a few years ago, The Sheik has gone on at length about his desire to have broken Brian’s back at WrestleMania 3 and make him “humble” (among other things.) With Brian’s appearance, all the wrestlers from that historic match have now appeared for shoot interviews – Sheik, Nikolai Volkoff, Jim Brunzell, and Jim Duggan. However, it’s still unclear what the issue was between them. It left many confused as to why Iron Sheik would go after Blair with such venom. James asks Brian about their situation and whether the two had heat during their wrestling days.


“No. Not so much when we were wrestling. I just didn’t like wrestling him so much because he and (Nikolai) Volkoff, they’re so clumsy. I mean, Nikolai’s a great guy, you know, but when he takes a bump, it’s in five different movements. With the Sheik, you have to strain every muscle in your body to lift him up to slam him. It’s just like working with a couple of guys who are difficult as opposed to a Paul Orndorff or The Hart Foundation or people like that who can move right with you. I like to give it all and it’s like a dance. If you go to a dance and your girlfriend can’t dance, it doesn’t really look too good. “


Brian then tells a shocking story about The Iron Sheik smoking crack on an airplane during a wrestling tour. He explains how Sheik got it on the plane, how he lost respect for him because of it, Sheik’s many personal problems, his issues with their WrestleMania 3 match, and more. But that was long ago and many things have happened since then to taint Brian’s take on the former WWF Champion. Blair stings back and explains his feelings about him to listeners…


“But Khosrow Vaziri, The Iron Sheik, is one of the guys that I have to honestly tell you, he’s probably the only wrestler that I would say I don’t like at all. And that’s a fact.”


James says that in some ways, it feels like The Sheik is that kid in school that the other kids get all riled up to see how wild he can be. Blair sees that point and reveals that the Howard Stern show has contacted him to be appear with I.S., but he’s turned them down. Going on the Howard Stern show isn’t the best move for a politician. But going on World Wrestling Insanity is…


“Being with you, James, is an honor. World Wrestling Insanity is awesome and I can’t wait to go to to check out some more of the stuff.”


The Iron Sheik discussion doesn’t end there. The two recently came face to face and the result wasn’t good. During a Wrestling Roast, Blair and Sheik were set to shake hands, but things didn’t go as planned.


“I’ve been harped and harped and hounded about it. We did a roast for him and I went up there. You know, he slapped me. I couldn’t believe he slapped me. That wasn’t a work. He slapped me. I was just absolutely stunned. I couldn’t believe it. (I asked myself) Did this really happen? So if I ever have a chance, I don’t know what I could do. Tie an arm behind my back?…I don’t know how old Khosrow is now, but if he’s gonna run his mouth, he’s got to back it up.”


This interview doesn’t end there. Brian speaks out on so much more including some great stories of backstage ribbing through the years. You can support Brian’s campaign by heading to right now.


The full 47 minute shoot is up on right now and along with 200 stars, you’ll have plenty of superstars to put on your Ipod, Phone, burn to CD, or just listen through your computer. Stars you can hear the minute you sign up include: Jerry Lawler, Hillbilly Jim, Ron Simmons, Magnum T.A., Kevin Sullivan, Vince Russo, Mr. Fuji, The Iron Sheik, Rory McAllister, Jesse Ventura, Bobby Lashley, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Tommy Rich, Tully Blanchard, Ken Patera, Bobby Heenan, Terri Runnels, Kevin Nash, Kenny Dykstra, Outback Jack, Paul Orndorff, Headbanger Mosh, Terry Funk, Lance Cade, Trevor Murdoch, Eric Bischoff, Nikita Koloff, Nunzio, John Cena Sr., Kizarny, Armando Estrada, Dangerous Danny Davis, Ronnie Garvin, Clarence Mason, Dave Taylor Colin Delaney, Jim Mitchell, Chris Harris, Ahmed Johnson, Glacier, Balls Mahoney, Francine, Sid Vicious, Paul Bearer, Brian Knobbs, Bruno Sammartino, Bryan Clark,=2 0Sean Mooney, Scott D’Amore, Tito Santana, Al Snow,  Tod Gordon, JJ Dillon, Charlie Haas, Tom Prichard, Jacques Rougeau, Paul Roma, Jim Powers, Tammy Sytch, Too Cold Scorpio, The Honky Tonk Man, Ole Anderson, Kid Kash, Ivan Koloff, Jackie Gayda, Mr. Hughes, Scotty 2 Hotty, Dawn Marie, John Heidenreich, Jimmy Hart, Jimmy Valiant, Rick Martel, Manny Fernandez, Bad News Brown, Nick Bockwinkel, Dory Funk Jr, Diamond Dallas Page, Rob Conway, Sylvain Grenier, Mike Bucci, Samu, Oscar, Erik Watts, Buff Bagwell, Christian, Jazz, Demolition Ax and Smash, Koko B. Ware, Ricky Morton, Lance Russell, Bruce Hart, Dustin “Goldust” Rhodes, Damian Demento, Fred “Shockmaster” Ottman, Justin Credible, Cpl. Kirchner, One Man Gang, Scott Steiner, Shawn Stasiak, Ted DiBiase, Ivory, Chris Masters, Elix Skipper, Kamala, Samoa Joe, Giant Bernard, Bill DeMott,Juvi “Juice” Guerrera, Nora “Molly Holly” Greenwald, Nick Dinsmore, Harley Race, Bull Buchanan, D-Lo Brown, Road Warrior Animal, Missing Link, Rikishi, Slick, Nidia, George  Steele, Christy Hemme, Disco Inferno, Paul Ellering, Vito, Steve Black man, Bushwhacker Luke, AJ Styles, Chris Daniels, Dennis Stamp, Shawn Daivari, B.G. James, Ron Killings, Zach Gowan, D-Ray 3000, Dan Severn,Earl and Dave Hebner, Sivi Afi, Baron Von Raschke, Spike Dudley, Rodney Mack, Downtown Bruno, Larry Zybszko, Rick Steiner, Julie Hart, Mae Young, Sam Houston, and many, more.


James Guttman’s two books, “World Wrestling Insanity” and “World Wrestling Insanity Presents: Shoot First, Ask Questions Later,” are availabl e at or wherever books are sold.