Bret “Hitman” Hart on Nancy Grace (CNN)

Just finished watching an interview with Nancy Grace and Bret Hart.   Here is the recap

Bret “The Hitman” Hart and District Attorney Scott Ballard appeared on CNN’s “Nancy Grace Live” tonight. Nancy Grace started by blasting the WWE about WWE defending itself on steroid abuse allegations by the media. Bret said that he first heard of Benoit’s death on Monday afternoon. He commented that noone knew that Chris would be capable of killing his wife and son, he loved them both. Hart added that Chris Benoit’s character is the same person in and out of the ring. He says that after a while, it is hard to distinguish between the performer and the real guy.

Bret Hart does not believe that steroids were a factor in these murders, he believes that he just cracked due to ongoing family issues. Hart also stated that everyone in the industry loved Chris Benoit and would of done anything for him he Benoit would of asked for help.

Scott Ballard then joined in and said they are aware of a link between Benoit being a customer of a company that was selling steroids illegally. Ballard said he cannot go into detail at this time, due to he may compromise this ongoing case.

Bret Hart then joined in once again with his closing thoughts. He said that if steroids were a factor in the case he would be extremely disappointed in the drug testing policy being implementing within the WWE.

Shawn Moniz
