Bret Hart on Greta Van Susten of Fox News

Just finished a very indepth interview with D.A. Scott Ballard, WWE Attorney Jerry McDevitt, and Bret Hart.  Here is my recap.  Feel free to use it on your sites.

Greta Van Susten of Fox News interviewed Scott Ballard today he says that when the body of Nancy Benoit was found, her body had already started to turn black. The body of Daniel Benoit, however had not started to change color. This would indicate that Nancy was killed first possibly a day earlier. Ballard did confirm that Daniel did have track marks on his arm. He recapped that Daniel was killed with a “choke hold” presumably due to the fact that there were no hand marks on the neck of Daniel nor any cords near him.

Nancy was killed by a strangulation with an electrical cord. The cord was still around her neck when the body was found.

Greta also interviewed Jerry McDevitt, Attorney for WWE. McDevitt confirmed that Daniel possibly had “Fragile-X” syndrome which is a rare condition. McDevitt said that Nancy Benoit called there family doctor to find out where Daniel could get the special education that he needed.

McDevitt says that his ddoctor, Doctor Astin prescribed Chris Benoit with anabolic steroids due to low hormone levels due to years of steroid abuse. McDevitt commented that this was not a “roid-rage” killing. This happened over a couple of days. Greta seemed definitely more open to the fact that the “roid-rage” aspect of the case may not be the reason why this happened than other media outlets.

Bret Hart joined in via satellite from Calgary. Bret said that he knew Chris since he was 10 or 11 years old. He met him in a the front row of a wrestling event. He said within a few years Chris learned how to wrestle. He devoted his life to the sport. Hart commented that he was one of the best in the industry and that all loved and respected him. He was a leader in the backstage area that everyone would follow. He never seen Benoit angered, as he was always caring helping others out including Hart when needed.

He says the surviving family of Chris Benoit are a strong family and that they are just trying to deal with this. Hart said there was a possibility that Chris took steroids but he wasn’t 100% on that. He mentioned that WWE does have a strict wellness policy that most wrestlers were very cautious of using any type of drug.

Hart said that he was surprised when information was released that Daniel Benoit had a rare form of dwarfism. He said that Chris himself was small so he never thought of it.

Shawn Moniz