Booker T’s PWA “Halloween Havoc” Results

Booker T.Reported by Arturo Zaldana

After a 3 month absence I finally attended Booker T’s show, and have the full report!

Booker T’s PWA returned to The Pasadena Convention Center on October 24, 2007. The event was entitled “Halloween Havoc”. Attendance was around 600.

Now for the FULL report!

(One quick thing, you’ll know how I said that PWA debuted a new set, well I finally saw it and is similiar to Ring Of Honor’s set just so the people can pictured it)

The show started off with the U.S Navy army presenting the colors of the flag of the United States, along with the commanders, 6 youngsters were announced as navy trainees, and that they were going to serve the U.S Navy really soon, the segment ended with a huge applause from the audience.

1st Match) Kelly Kevin def. “The Joker” Nemesis
Kelly Kevin is actually a male wrestler, he has the physical body of a female wrestler, so he dressed as a female wrestler (and has long hair) he is the “Self-Proclaim Diva of PWA”. “Joker’ Nemesis is a spin-off of the Joker from Batman. Match starts, Nemesis and Kevin lock up, Kevin took Nemesis to the corner of the turnbuckle and let go of the 5 count then he blew a kiss to Nemesis in which the crowd was laughing, Nemesis come back with a half-nelson hold, Kevin successfully broke the hold, but Nemesis kicked Kevin in the gut irished whiped him to the turnbuckle and then did the 10-punches but Kevin got out of the way at the 5th punch. As Nemesis turned around Kevin comes with a neckbreaker, he goes for the cover but only gets a 2 count. Kevin picks up Nemesis but Nemesis give him a forearm and followed by 3 closelines, then Nemesis executed the Forward Russian LegSweep went for the cover but got a 2 count, Nemesis picks up Kevin, he irished whipped him across the ring but Kevin did a shoulder takedown and went and sat on Nemesis putting his skirt on Nemesis face and got the 3 count for the victory.

*Adrian announces that later on tonight PWA backstage correspondent “Johnny Bravo” will conduct a interview with the new young lions of the PWA who will make their debut really soon.

2nd Match) Cyrus w/ Lady Poison def. Samson
(Quick Reminder: Lady Poison indeed had a dark match against Gail Kim at the last TNA Tapings she went under the name “Jessica James”)
The good thing about this match is that it wasn’t a squash match as Samson is really big. Anyways the match starts with Samson hitting forearms to Cyrus to try to ware him down, but it does not effect Cyrus, Samson tries to do a irish whip but can’t because Cyrus is big and strong. So Samson goes to the ropes and did a flying closeline but that didn’t effect Cyrus either, after Cyrus had enough he picked up Samson and started punishing him really hard. Samson fights back with back to forth punches across Cyrus stomach/chest. Cyrus blocks a punch and kicked him in the gut, Cyrus went to the ropes and did the Big Boot Kick but Samson got out of the way, Lady Poison then gets on the ring apron and calls Samson and spits poison mist at his eyes, this gives Cyrus the advantage and nails a powerful powerbomb to Samson. Cyrus goes for the cover and gets the victory.

3rd Match) V.I.P w/ Shad Gaspard def. Gustavo Mendoza w/ Team Cuba
Former WWE Superstar “Shad Gaspard” now resides here in Houston as he appeared in VIP corner under the name “The Beast”. Well actually VIP wasn’t supposed to have somebody in the corner, you see last month event VIP had a match with Gustavo Mendoza in which he won but after the match Team Cuba jumped VIP and he had nobody to have his back, so this time he said that he is going to even the score by bringing a special guest in which this case was Shad Gaspard. Match starts as VIP & Gustavo are wrestling in the ring, Shad scares off Rubio & Juan Diaz (Team Cuba), back in the ring Gustavo is dominating VIP and Shad well let’s say “Coached” him throughout the match. VIP goes for martial style kicks to Gustavo, at this time Rubio is waving the Cuba flag’s but Shad kept on scaring him off. Back to the match Gustavo tries to confuse VIP but that didn’t effect him, Gustavo then has him in a half-nelson hold and Shad starts to get the crowd to clap so VIP can break the hold and he indeed did as after he broke it he went to the ropes and nailed Gustavo with a closeline, Team Cuba starts yelling at VIP, Shad of course comes and scares them off (again). The finish came when VIP did his own version of MVP’s “Ballin Elbow” (Elbow drop with theatrics) move.

Aftermath: Team Cuba gets in the ring and starts to attack VIP but Shad comes and literally beat the crap out of them, he sends Juan Diaz to the corner and grabs Rubio, he irished whipped him and nailed a tremendous spinebuster to Rubio.

*Johnny Bravo is standing by as he introduces 2 students of the PWA that will make their debut soon, one was E.J Smooth and I couldn’t hear the other guy name, so they both did a short promo as they introduced themselves.

*Intermission time, nothing special in particular happen.

*1st Ever Halloween Costume Contest, judged by Booker T & Sharmell (Her costume was a Cleopatra outfit but without the afro……(I think it was a similiar dress to Cleopatra, I am not sure so do not think she wore the worst costume), Anyways Booker T said that he would want to answer everybody’s question and that was “Did he & Sharmell quit the WWE” and he said that indeed they quit, the crowd started clapping and chanting “PWA, PWA”. So the contest got underway and there was 9 participants (Let me see if I remember the costumes), Participant #1: Was a little girl dressed as in the late 60’s & 70’s outfit. Participant #2: A spinoff of Jay Lethal’s costume, except it was all blue. Participant #3: Was a girl dressed as the “Pink Princess”. Participant #4: Was a toddler dressed in a bear costume (Who was sleeping). Participant #5: A boy dressed as “Johnny Nitro/Joey Matthews”. Participant #6: A little girl dressed as Queen Sharmell. Participant #7: A male Nun (yea I know LOL). Participant #8: I am guessing it was a army “Ghost” or something. Participant #9: Another toddler dressed as the devil. So Sharmell told the rules that each person was going to show off their costume and the winner was going to be decided with the most cheers. All the participants “model” their costumes, Booker T was then asked to choose the 3 finalists and he picked: The Male Nun, the toddler with the bear costume (still sleeping) & the boy dressed as Joey Matthews/Johnny Nitro. Sharmell then told that the “Pink Princess” had to be one of the finalists, so there was 4. The winner of the 2007 PWA Halloween Costume Contest is………………………(THE TODDLER IN A BEAR COSTUME) (STILL SLEEPING, LOL) his father got free tickets to the next month show.

4th Match) Kryll (Creet & AD Star w/ Lady Poison) vs Gabe Hollier & Surfin Surge ended in a No Contest after Dawg Chettum, Jared Steele & Ms. Rosa interfered.
The PWA Tag Team Titles were on the line as last month event Gabe & Surge won a Non-Title Match against Kryll so they were awarded a PWA Tag Team Title Shot. Match starts with Kryll attacking Gabe & Surge as they were making their entrance. Alot of blind tags were made by Kryll as the dominated Gabe, he tried to fight back but couldn’t but finally made the hot tag and Surge came in and closeline Kryll. Lady Poison was getting frustrated at ringside, Surge had controlled the match but Kryll came back with blind tags. This brought all 4 guys in the ring, Gabe threw AD Star at ringside and Surge threw Creet at ringside. Gabe came and did a flying crossbody to AD Star at ringside, meanwhile Creet on the other side of the ring kept on punishing Surge. The referee started the 10 count, Kryll & Gabe are back in the ring and nailed Gabe with their double team finishing move, Creet went for the cover but…………………

Dawg Chettum & Jared Steele & Ms. Rosa came to ringside and attacked Kryll & the team of Gabe & Surge, at ringside Ms. Rosa and Poison had a catfight (CATFIGHT!!!!!!!!!, CATFIGHT!!!!!!!!!, CATFIGHT!!!!!!!!, ok that’s enough, lol) the crowd got up on their feet, just as if it was a old fashion ECW catfight. Dawg & Jared started hitting Kryll, Gabe & Surge with nightsticks as well as Rosa did to Poison. They got their handcuffs out and handcuffed Kryll, Gabe & Surge to the ropes. BUT Rosa handcuffed Poison to the steel post, in where Poison was layed out in the steel stairs. She got back in the ring and raised Dawg & Jared hand. As all 3 members are at ringside Dawg comes and kicks the steel stairs in which Poison was laying which send Poison to the concrete floor and to top it off the steel stairs right on her (still handcuffed). Referees & PWA Staff came and helped Kryll, Gabe, Surge & Poison (who was knocked out) backstage.

5th Match) Jay “Black Machismo” Lethal def. “The Pride of Pasadena”……wait a minute…..”The Pride” Chris Adams.
Chris was the hometown hero but recently he turned heel and started bashing the crowd, in which the crowd did not like. Out comes Jay with a big pop. Before the match starts he tells a mini story about the time when Booker T and himself were in WCW. Match starts with Chris manipulating and making fun of Lethal. Chris comes with a headlock to Lethal, followed by some arm drags by Lethal, then a perfect hurricarana off the top ropes. Chris comes back with vicious chest chops as both men exchanged chops, Chris sends Lethal to the corner and nails a strong European Uppercut. Lethal fights back with some forearms and throws Chris to ringside, Jay was preparing to do a suicide dive but Chris chicken out. Chris then comes back to the ring and as Lethal is distracted by the fans, Chris comes from behind and hits Lethal. Chris irished whipped Lethal, but Lethal ducks and that allows for Chris to do a sunset flip but misses it, Lethal then did the “Lethal Combination” move to Chris and finish it off with a 3rd rope diving elbow drop.

*In-Ring Segment: Adrian announces PWA newest Diva, Jessica Hatch! She makes her way down to the ring and gets the mic and says that she is happy that she is now training with the PWA, she said that she thanks all the fans that voted her in the 2007 WWE Diva Search and that she is here to STAY in the PWA as she is going to start training and wrestle for us really soon. She send out a message to Ms. Rosa & Lady Poison “Watch out Rosa & Poison, I am going to be the top diva here in the PWA”.

6th Match) Brett Idol def. Neico to capture the PWA Heavyweight Title
This was the main event, Neico second title defense was against Brett. Match starts with a quick “warm up” wrestling moves from both men, then they start to wrestle as Brett gets the upperhand. A really good match, for some reason the crowd was kinda “quiet” throughout the match just a little bit. Neico goes for the closeline, Brett comes and kicks Neico to the stomach, then sends him to the corner, he starts kicking Neico then throws him at ringside, Brett then comes and nail the “Suicide Dive” to Neico, he brings him back to the ring. Brett goes for the top rope but here comes Neico who jumped, they were fighting to see who got the top rope suplex, Brett got the upperhand as he kicked Neico in the face. Neico is laying in the ring, Brett then executes the “450 Splash” to Neico, goes for the cover and picked up the victory.

The crowd went nuts as Brett held the PWA Heavyweight Title.

End of the show……

Good event tonight, PWA returns to The Pasadena Convention Center on NOVEMBER 28, 2007. Presale tickets will go on sale this Saturday morning at 10am (central Time). Appearing will be: PWA Heavyweight Champion Brett Idol, Neico, Kryll, Lady Poison, Dawg Chettum, Jared Steele, Jessica Hatch, Ms. Rosa and TNA SUPERSTAR: ABYSS!!!!!!!

That’s right ABYSS! will be at The Pasadena Convention Center on November 28, 2007, you do not want to miss out on this!


Booker T’s PWA is coming to BEAUMONT, Texas on November 17, 2007 at “Ford Park”. Please come out and see the young lions of the PWA in action!. For More information go to

That’s the report, hope everybody liked it!

(More information about next month event will be available as soon as possible, so stay tune)