Bob’s Random Rumblings – ROH 11th Anniversary Show 2013 Predictions

Random Rumblings

Tonight, ROH returns to internet pay per view with their 11th Anniversary Show. Here is the card along with my predictions for the event.

Six Man Mayhem:
QT Marshall vs. ACH vs. Silas Young vs. Mike Sydal vs. Adam Page vs Tadarius Thomas

All these men were involved in the tournament to determine a number one contender for the ROH Television Championship and all came up short, obviously. I’m a fan of Silas Young who has had several memorable matches with ROH guys in other independent promotions (AAW). However, I’m thinking that they will push ACH on this show. He just signed a contract with the promotion and is quite popular among the fans. So, he gets the win here.

Grudge Tag Team Match:
Jimmy Jacobs & Steve Corino vs. Caprice Coleman & Cedric Alexander

The whole SCUM angle has seemed to lost a lot of steam and at some point the team of Coleman and Alexander have to get some kind of momentum. I like Jacobs and Corino, but they are losing my interest nowadays. I think there is a lot of possibilities with Cedric and Caprice. I hope they go over.

No Hols Barred:
Charlie Haas vs. BJ Whitmer

I wonder if Haas is happy to be in ROH without Shelton. It seems like Charlie has been given a big presence on the internet and some of his stuff is entertaining, but not when he is all over the place. This should be a good brawl and a match that BJ Whitmer should win.

For the ROH World Television Championship:
[champion] Adam Cole vs. Matt Taven

Well, Taven is now associated with Truth Martini and looks like he will have a regular spot with the promotion as a result. However, I think it would be a little rushed to put him over Adam Cole. Plus, Cole is defending the championship against Matt Hardy at the television taping tomorrow night. Everything adds up to Cole retaining the championship here.

Two out of Three Falls:
Roderick Strong vs. Michael Elgin

Elgin should have gone over back in December, but maybe ROH officials aren’t as high on him as he had thought previously. Elgin seemed to be the talk of the town a few months ago but that one lost really ended his momentum among fans. If he doesn’t win here then I don’t see the point of ever supporting Elgin. A lot of damage would be done for the babyface character.

The American Wolves vs. The Forever Hooligans
I must admit that I’m not too familiar with the Hooligans as I have never seen them tag. I was actually disappointed with the dream match reveal. Yes, this is a dream match, I guess. If the Hooligans are here for only one match, there is no reason for the Wolves to lose. So, under that impression, I’m taking the Wolves.

For the ROH World Tag Team Championships:
[champions] Briscoe Brothers vs. Bobby Fish & Kyle O’Reilly

In my opinion, the Briscoe Brothers are boring. All they do is win and lose the championships on a monthly basis it seems like. There act is played out and they don’t stand out to me. Get the titles off of them and try to find something better for them, like a singles role. Fish and O’Reilly win the titles.

For the ROH World Championship:
[champion] Kevin Steen vs. Jay Lethal

I have to give ROH some credit for building Lethal up as a contender for the championship. Steen is a good champion and there probably is still some stuff they can do with him. For some reason, I’m thinking that Steen drops the championship to Lethal here. I have no idea why I think this, but it’s nearly been a year since Steen won the championship, I believe.

Those are my predictions for the event. Feel free to share your own below!

Thanks for reading.

— Bob Colling (check out Bob’s blog at Wrestling Recaps)
