Bob’s Random Rumblings – Johnny Curtis, the next WWE star?

Random Rumblings

I remember seeing promos of Johnny Curtis on Smackdown where he would dump milk over himself and crying. You know, don’t cry over spilled milk. I wasn’t under the impression that he was any good. However, the new Fandango gimmick that he has started to do and after doing a little bit of research, I am now sold on Curtis as being a new star for the WWE.

At first, the vignettes for Fandango made me believe that the gimmick was going to be short lived. However, once he started to cut a promo it became clear that Curtis has the charisma to be a top guy for the company. I decided to look up some of his work from NXT and man, he is a highlight of that show.

Curtis had a relationship with a diva named Maxine on the show and they were obsessed with getting off the show. Throughout this column I’ll include some videos for everyone to get a greater appreciation for Curtis.

March 21st, 2012 saw the best segment involving Curtis. Curtis was helping Maxine try to get close to William Regal in order to get off the NXT show. So, backstage Johnny knocked Matt Striker out with chloroform and didn’t know why he was doing it. This would lead to Curtis losing Striker, who he had put in a crate. Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins would use the situation as blackmail and basically no one got off the show. A video below highlights the entire situation. It features guys from a podcast known as the Whole Fucking Show. They make it even more entertaining.

After watching the video you can see the guy has top notch charisma. That rings true with his gimmick Fandango. I’m actually really interested in seeing him debut in the WWE. Fandango is over the top character and it fits perfectly with the WWE right now. He stands out and isn’t like everyone else on the roster. I believe Curtis will do well.

Plus, he has a good range. He can play a creepy, weirdo character with humor. Plus, he can play the creepy, weirdo character but do it with a serious tone as well. WWE, push this guy and you’ll be happy you did so.

What are your thoughts on the Fandango character? Will it succeed? Leave your comments below.

— Bob Colling writes for