Bob Caudle on In Your Head Online recap

Bob Caudle
By Andrew Pritchard

Bob Caudle former announcer for Mid-Atlantic Wrestling, NWA/WCW, SMW and Jim Crockett Promotions joined the In Your Head Crew, Jack and Oneinchbiceps this week for the July 8, 2009 edition of In Your Head to promote the NWA Charlotte Legends Fanfest.

For more information on the NWA Legends Fanfest & Hall of Heroes August 6th-9th in Charlotte, NC please visit:

Jack asks about Blackjack Mulligan being a big ribber during the Promo Tapings, Bob says that you have to be careful with Blackjack as you didn’t know what he would do. Jack asks if there is anything which sticks out in Bob’s mind that he did to him or a wrestler, Bob says he mostly did it to the other wrestlers, Bob says the wrestlers always had an eye on Blackjack to see where he was an what he might be doing.

Jack asks if Bob has worked with Lance Russell before, Bob says he worked with him quite a bit in the Crockett Promotions and after Turner bought out the Crockett Promotions. He says Lance and him go back a good number of years.

A caller asks who the best person was to interview, Bob says that when you talk about great people to interview you got to put Ric Flair up there, because you start off and Flair would take the microphone and that would be the end of anything you’d have to say. Bob says Ole Anderson was another one who had a big mouth. He says its easier to interview someone who really talks you can ask them a question and get an answer than get a yes.

A caller asks his thoughts on Announcers today. Bob says that he worked with Jim Ross and that JR was great. Bob says that he doesn’t watch todays wrestling, he says the guys for some reason don’t appeal to him, most of the time he can’t tell what the announcers are saying, they are hollering, screaming doing all kinds of things. Bob says he tried doing this a couple of times but it wasn’t for him, he says not to knock it but its just not his style.

Bob also talked about Abdullah the Butcher, David Crockett, Magnum TA, Tully Blanchard and many many more. To hear the full interview head on over to You can also listen to In Your Head’s amazing 4 year archive including interviews from people such as Alex Wright, Vin Gerard, Rob Van Dam and many more. Be sure to check out In Your Head’s official message board where you can leave your questions for upcoming guests, and also get all your official In Your Head news, and you can also subscribe to the IYH Blogspot for the latest In Your Head Podcasts at future In Your Head guests including Magnum TA live Wednesday.