Big Vito Saddened by the death of ex-wife

Big VitoBig Vito deeply saddened by the sudden death of Kathy Lo Grasso

Tampa, FL: September 2, 2007 – It is with deep regret that Big Vito shares with friends and fans of the death of Kathy Lo Grasso, his ex-wife and the mother of his four children. It was Kathy’s dream to see him wrestle for World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) which Big Vito was able to realize until the end of his contract with them in May, 2007. She was there from the beginning of his career and remained a constant support until her sudden death on September 1st, 2007 of cancer which has left Vito Lo Grasso and his family deeply saddened.

“She had many friends in the wrestling world,” said Big Vito. “My family appreciates the outpouring of support that has already been expressed. She was a kind, caring, amazing woman and will be missed by many.”

To express your condolences or for further information, please feel free to contact the family at


About Big Vito:

Vito LoGrasso is a professional wrestler best known for his work in World Championship Wrestling (WCW) as Big Vito and as “The Toughest Man to Ever Wear a Dress” for World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). He has also wrestled under the persona of Skull Von Krush.

Big Vito currently holds the IWA InterContinental Championship Title which was won in Bayamon, Puerto Rico.