BCW presents the last 2 shows of the Summer Sizzler Tour

Joey A

Hey fans, since these are the last 2 shows of the Summer Sizzler Tour, for the Friday show in Janesville, any fans that attend that show from the Milwaukee area can get in for ONLY $5 with proof of ID. The the next night at the Columbus Club of West Allis, fans are allowed to TAILGATE prior to the show. The join us after the Summer Sizzler show at Magoo’s Sports Pub, 8911 W. National Ave. fer the Summer Sizzler after party.

Baymont Inn & Suites, 616 Midland Rd, presents Brew City Wrestling “Janesville Heat” to the UAW Local 95 Union Hall, 1795 LaFayette St. in Janesville, WI on Friday, August 21. Bell time is 7:30pm, doors open at 6:45pm and tickets are $12 for adults and $5 for kids 10 and under.

***Main Event***
Brew City Wrestling World Heavyweight Championship
Joey Jet Avalon(C)
Jaron “8 Pack” Jaxx

Brew City Wrestling Ladies Championship
Stacy Shadows(C) w/Roadhouse

Brew City Wrestling Heritage Championship
“Ice Cream Man” Tylor Sundae(C)
“Mr. Intensity” Alex Bernadino

PLUS.. Jay Kross, “All American” Michael Mack, Derek St. Holmes, Dysfunction and many other Stars of Brew City Wrestling!

More FAN-demonium matches announced soon!


Brew City Wrestling presents Summer Sizzler on Saturday, August 22 a the KC Hall, 1800 S. 92 St in West Allis, WI. Bell time is 7:30pm, doors at 6:45pm and tickets are $17 at the door or $14 on brewcitywrestling1.comusing PayPal.

Already signed!

Lumberjack Strap Match
“Beer City Bruiser” Matt Winchester
“His Holiness” Shawn Priest

Brew City Wrestling World Heavyweight Championship
Joey “Jet” Avalon(C)
“The All Night Highlight” Peter Schwanz

Brew City Wrestling Tag Team Championship
Insane Evil(C)
Perfect 10’s

Brandon Blaze
“Mr. Intensity” Alex Burnadino

More FAN-demonium matches announced soon!
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