!BANG! TV Report – Who were the mystery partners?


!BANG! TV Report – Who Were the Mystery Partners?

From last Saturday’s !BANG! TV Taping, Player Coach Dory Funk Jr. teams with Funking Conservatory’s Military Hero, Johnny Magnum and a Mystery Partner to take on the challenge of Texas State University’s Cory “Wild” Weston and former Vanguard High School’s Quarterback, Quinton “Drop-Back Hitchcock and their “Mystery Partner.”

Before the match, Mystery Partners reveal their identities both being Ladies on a Mission adding to the excitement and intrigue associated with this Inter-Gender 6-Person Tag Team Main Event.

Now on !BANG! TV in Super H-Q at http://www.dory-funk.com Watch last Saturday’s !BANG! TV Taping also including:

2nd Main Event
Women’s Championship Match
Jessica “Power-House” Hill (Champion) vs Hollywood Heather

Florida Championship
Ron “The Man” Rymer vs Jeremy “Rock Star” Spillers (Champion)

United States Championship
Quinton “Drop-Back” Hitchcock (Champion) vs Astonishing T. J. Blake

!BANG! TV Championship
Brian “Hot-Shot” Davis (Champion) vs “The Rogue” Ryan Passmore

The next !BANG! TV Taping, Support Your Troops 89, “!BANG! A Mania” comes to the !BANG! TV Sound Stage Saturday March 23rd – Tickets are now online at http://www.dory-funk.com or you may call 352-895-4658 for more information.

If you would like to become a professional wrestler and appear on !BANG! TV – Call Now 352-895-4658 or visit http://www.dory-funk.com

Join Dory Funk and Marti on Twitter, Facebook and Youtube – http://www.dory-funk.com/bt-20.html.