!BANG! TV Report – “Damn” Ron Simmons is coming to !BANG! TV

!BANG! TV Report – “Damn” Ron Simmons is Coming to !BANG! TV

Support Your Troops 82, “Morbid Power” comes to the !BANG! TV Sound Stage Saturday October 20th, Featuring Florida State University and WWE Superstar Ron Simmons.

Ron Simmons will be presented the Funking Conservatory Fighting Heart Award from Coach Dory Funk Jr.

There will also be a “Meet and Greet” after the show with Ron Simmons.

World Title Match:

Cory “Wild” Weston (Champion) vs Quinton “Drop Back” Hitchcock

Special Referee – Claudia “The Claw” Reiff

Women’s Championship Match

Hollywood Heather (New Champion) vs Jessica “Power House” Hill

Florida Title

Shane Chung vs Jeremy “Rock Star” Spillers

Also appearing on the card – WWE Hall of Famer, Dory Funk Jr. (With WWE Hall of Famer Ron Simmons), Brian “Hot Shot” Davis, Garrett Tukes, T. J. Blake, Pete Kaasanova, Marcus Maladay and more.

Tickets are now online at http://www.dory-funk.com.

For Ticket Information Call 352-895-4658.

If you would like to become a professional wrestler and appear on !BANG! TV, Call now 352-895-4658

Now on our website http://www.dory-funk.com – from the Chase Park Plaza Hotel in St. Louis, Dory Funk Jr. vs Ric Flair.