AWA Stars getting attention from WWE
By Hollywood Joe Williamson
In a span of two and half months four of the AWAʼs top superstars have been on a WWE show. It all started on Oct. 8th. WWE was in Grand Rapids, Michigan. None other than residence of Noah Lott who is originally from Boston Mass. Noah Lott took on Jacob Duncan, who eventually beat him. Jacob Duncan has since then been released from WWE.
Then on December 3rd, Mr. Kennedy saw fit to bring out three imposters from Shawn Michaels past. One of them being Marty Jannetty who appeared at the 15th anniversary show. The imposter Marty was none other than T.J. Mack. What most people donʼt know is Marty Jannetty was originally part of the AWA before coming to the WWE. How interesting?
Also on December 3rd, Kirby Mack and a mystery partner were beaten by Paul London and Brian Kendrick on WWE Heat. Another thing for you non-Indy fans, the Mack brothers were trained by Jeff and Matt Hardy. Could that be a sign of things to come?
Then on December 10th, The King of Old School Steve Corino had a dark match against D.H. Smith, the son of the legendary Davey Boy Smith. Corino was defeated by the younger Smith but had a great showing.
With all this going on, how will the AWA keep these superstars from defecting to WWE? And do these appearances from these four make them the top contenders for the now vacated AWA World Heavyweight title? Soon we will find out.
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