The 2010 Arnie Awards

The Katz Files – Arnie Katz The 2010 Arnie Awards The Kingfish Arnie Katz unveils his 2010 Arnie Awards, his picks for the outstanding wrestlers of the year for 2009. All awards, from the Oscars to the science fiction Hugos, are corrupt. The longer they continue, the...

My Weekly RAW Notebook

The Katz Files My Weekly RAW Notebook: The War Begins! The Kingfish Arnie Katz delivers his report and analysis of the 1/4 episode. It takes two sides to make a war. Monday, January 4 will go down in the books as the first head-to-head clash between the Hogan-led TNA...

The TNA iMPACT (1/4) Insight

HeadLocker — Jay Shannon The Impact (1/4) Insight Our resident philosopher looks at a special Monday night edition of TNA Impact. TNA offered one of the most exciting Impacts, ever. Hulk Hogan made his debut, along with just above every buddy he knows. The show...

Who Won the Monday Night Fight?

HeadLocker — Jay Shannon Who Won the Monday Night Fight? Our resident philosopher takes a special look at the January 4th battle between TNA and Raw. It took me almost six hours to go through the two shows from Monday. After a little break to change out the...

My Weekly TNA Notebook

The Katz Files My Weekly TNA Notebook: The War Begins! The Kingfish Arnie Katz delivers his report and analysis of TNA special January 4th three-hour show. It was the best of shows; it was the worst f shows. The matches, except the eight-man fiasco that opened the...