I know that was one of Blassie’s many taglines, but it was even truer for Red Bastien. One of the all-time greats in and out of the ring, and totally beloved influential people in the pro wrestling industry. There are often many takers in wrestling, and few givers. Red defined what a giving, loving person was in a field where that rarely occurs. Few were nicer and more giving to anyone crossing his path. And Red was always, always interested in passing the baton to the kids of each generation that followed his. And Red knew something about the industry, having been on the AT circuit towards it’s decline, along with the likes of his pal Sputnick Monroe. The AT show phenom was the very essence and original beginning or start of pro wrestling dating back to the 1800’s. Red claimed he’d done AT shows “without really telling anyone, from the age of 16 before I lied about my age and turned pro.”