I’m going to go a bit “off topic” in this article, and speak about something that caught my attention a few weeks ago. Now, as I mentioned before, I’m watching all the ROH Shows in order from the very beginning to get a good following and understanding of the entirety of R.O.H. and its evolution. As I write this article, I’ve started watching the July 23rd, 2004 show “Death Before Dishonor 2 – Part 1”. Therefore I still have eight years of DVDs collect and watch, before getting up to date with today’s R.O.H., and of course taking into account that when I get to 2012, it will probably be 2016 thus four more years to collect, but that’s a different story. I am subscribed to R.O.H.’s YouTube account, and will watch some videos from them. I do check their website from time to time to look at stuff. However, I avoid watching results, reviews or any other type of “Spoilers” so that I can watch the current shows with as much “ignorance” as possible.