Austin Rhodes on the Wrestling Guys’ 30 Minute Podcast

Austin RhodesKnown as the “Texas Legacy”  Austin Rhodes is a member of one of the most notable families in pro wrestling.  In fact, he is the nephew of “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes.

He’s quite a worker in his own right, but he’s also the promoter of Velocity Pro Wrestling.  Last October, The National Wrestling Alliance announced that Velocity had become a licensee of the NWA.  After running several successful shows, in late February of 2013, the NWA contacted Austin to advise that they were rescinding his license to run as a NWA promotion.

In this interview, Austin discusses why he thinks this decision was made, his reaction to it, and where both he and Velocity plan on going from this point on.   We apologize in advance for the breakdown in sound at Austin’s end, as our recording hardware was not being cooperative during the interview.  It’s such a great interview however, that we know that you’ll just turn the sound up and listen to a man with lots of conviction who loves the business more than many others who pretend to.

The interview can be heard right from the Wrestling Guys site, which can also be heard from any tablet or smart phone: