AS I SEE IT: CZW 13th Anniversary Results

Bob Magee
Pro Wrestling: Between the Sheets

We saw the results of not having the ECW Arena this past Saturday, as Combat ZoneWrestling debuted at the Flyers Skate Zone in Voornees, NJ last night in thepromotion’s return to New Jersey and its first show in the post-ECW Arena era.

A snowy and icy night didn’t help things with crowd size,which I suppose wasn’t bad given a new location and weather, but clearly wasn’tArena sized. Then, with those who were at the show; a decent sized and vocalsegment were not happy about a show that saw no blood and pretty limitedviolence, and pretty much crapped on the main event yelling nonsensical crap atthe ring; more so for the show than anything Gulak or Vortekz did or didn’t do.It didn’t help when Larry Legend did his traditional ring bit to get the crowdgoing, and talked about the ring being filled with blood.

It’d hard to say if that lack of traditional CZW style wasbecause of any New Jerseyrules, or to make a good impression on the Flyers Skate Zone management. Thevenue WOULD be a good sized location for Best of the Best, and CZW has stillnot announced a venue to BOTB, so that might have been another reason forbehaving themselves. But the bottom line is, that if that’s the cost for CZWrunning this venue, they’d be better off not doing so unless it’s a wrestlingcentered shows like Best of the Best.

Match results:

* Greg Excellent defeated Niles Young in the opener. Largely a comedy match.Post-match, Mia Yim challenged Excellent to a TLC match at the Philadelphia return show on March 10. Thissegued into…

* Alex Colon defeated Kimber Lee by pinfall . The Runaways’ Joe Gacy &Ryan Slater interfered to no avail. and beat on Ruckus and Alex Colonpost-match.

* CZW Tag Team Champions Azrieal and Bandido Jr. defeated “TheRunaways” Joe Gacy and Ryan Slater

* Drake Younger defeated Adam Cole

* Sami Callihan defeated DJ Hyde by submission with a Stretch Muffler.Post-match, Matt Tremont had a stare down with Hyde and talked about Tournamentof Death this June.

* In the “Ultraviolent Trial Series” match (which consisted of twotack strips and some tacks in the ring): Danny Havoc defeated Rory Mondo

* In the 6 man tag, Dave Crist, Mr. Tofiga, and the returning Chuck Taylor(replacing UHAA Nation) defeated Jake Crist, AR Fox, and Lucky

* BLK Jeez defeated Homicide in a “Voorhees Street Fight” (as far asI know, Voorhees doesn’t have streets, just ways to get to the local mall andmain drags)

* In the three way CZW World Title #1 contenders match, there was anon-finish, as the match between MASADA, Devon Moore, and. “Ego”Robert Anthony went to a draw after a double pin by Devon Moore and.”Ego” Robert Anthony. After the match, both have been declaredwinners and will wrestle SCott Vortekz on March 10.

* In the main event, new CZW World Champion Scotty Vortekz defeated DrewGulak

Until next time…

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