AS I SEE IT by Bob Magee

Bob Magee
Pro Wrestling: Between the Sheets

Again this week, more news on Holiday related charity events. If you have other news on holiday collections of canned food, Toys for Tots toy collections or other charity benefits, send them to me at this address.

Special kudos to the fans of The Tri-State Wrestling Alliance show back on Saturday, December 5. With a crowd 15% of what Dragon Gate USA drew on Thanksgiving weekend in Philadelphia, the fans of the TWA filled large boxes of toys for the Wenonah chapter of Toys for Tots, rather than the six toys (yes, I said six) that were collected at the Dragon Gate show. Applause to them, including the children who went over to a wrestling figure vendor at the show, bought a toy; then came over and put it in the Toys for Tots box, rather than keep it for themselves. Looks like some of the youngest fans of wrestling understood the meaning of the holiday season far better than some well-off grownup fans…and a promoter or two.

Missy Hyatt sent along the following:

A while back, Cynthia Keene asked me if I could help organize a wrestling show to help raise toys. I said the logistics would be too costly & the return would not justify the headache for anybody involved.

Instead I’ve been calling in every person that I know in the wrestling business to see if anybody can get any children’s shirts or toys to donate to Toys For Tots. If you can help me out it would be greatly appreciated.

I’m also heavily involved with Russell’s Rescue that helps in pet adoption. EDITOR’S NOTE: they have a website at this link. Hopefully I can build enough good karma to get me a Legends Figure or a spot as the Gobbledy Gooker in my life time.

All donations can be sent to
Toys For Tots
C/O Cynthia Keene
PO Box 982
Springfield, MO 65801

The Empire Wrestling Federation will be hosting a Holiday toy drive & wrestling show on December 11th at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Covina, CA2009. Belltime is 8PM. Admission is a unwrapped $10 toy for Adults and for kids 12 and younger admission is a $5 unwrapped toy. For further details please visit

Great Canadian Wrestling will hold their fourth annual SickKids charity event, GCW Seasons Beatings on Monday, December 28, 2009.

Brew City Wrestling, an affiliate of the National Wrestling Alliance will be holding a benefit show on Friday, December 11 for a local 4 year old little boy that was severely burned in a car fire in Milwaukee back in July. The show will be at the Knights of Columbus, 1800 S. 92nd St. in West Allis, WI. Mayor Dan Devine has proclaimed December 11 David “DJ” Harper Day in West Allis, WI. Proceeds for this show will go to David’s family to help pay for more surgeries he’s expecting to have in the future. We will have a raffle that night also. As we get closer to the show, we will be posting more info. In the meantime, if you would like to donate to help DJ, please go to the link, here. Bell time is 7:30pm, doors open at 6:30pm and tickets are $15.

6 Man Tag Match/Frankie DeFalco Handcuffed To Commissioner Mauler!
“Power Trip” (Brandon Blaze, “Diamond” Dave Demone & “Cadillac” Nick Colucci) vs. “Brew City Fight Club”
(Dinn T. More, Mason Quinn & Jett Bennett)

Brew City Wrestling No Limits Championship
Derek St. Holmes (C) vs.”The International Wrestling Superstar” Erico

NWA WI Tag Team Championship
Urban Assault Team vs. “Canada’s Best”

All-Star Wrestling Alliance presents “A Night for the Kids 2” to benefit to benefit “Fox8 Gifts for Kids” on Tuesday, December 15 at the National Guard Armory in Lexington, NC with a 7:30 pm belltime. FOX8/WGHP is kicking off its 21st year of giving back to the community with FOX8 Gifts for Kids. The holiday campaign collects gifts for The Salvation Army chapters of the Piedmont/High Point, NC region.

The ECW Arena, as it does every year, will feature Toys for Tots collections at shows taking place at the “World’s Most Famous Bingo Hall” each Holiday season at two shows.

Combat Zone Wrestling will hold a Toys for Tots collection at its annual Cage of Death ECW Arena show on December 12, featuring (so far).

    Danny Havoc vs. “The New Horror” Sami Callihan
  • CZW World Heavyweight Championship
    Drake Younger (champion) vs. Devon Moore
  • CZW Ultraviolent Underground Championship
    Thumbtack Jack (champion) vs. Hardcore Nick Gage
  • CZW Junior Heavyweight Championship
    Drew Blood (champion) vs. Greg Excellent
  • Wired TV Title Tournament Final
    Adam Cole vs. Tyler Veritas
  • Golden Dream 4-Way
    B-Boy vs. Eddie Kingston vs. Ego Fantastico vs. Jon Moxley
  • The “Lariat” vs. The “Decapitator”
    DJ Hyde vs. Nate Hatred
  • #1 Contender Match for Tag Team Championship
    BLKOUT (Ruckus and Sabian) vs. Azrieal and Bandido, Jr. vs. Team Macktion vs. The Naptown Dragons (Scotty Vortekz and xOMGx)

    On Sunday, December 20th at 3 pm The Maven Bentley Association LLC, Combat Zone Wrestling and The Arena Present their first ever Christmas Spectacular “The Santa Claus Smackdown”.

    Already signed to appear will be Santa Claus!

    St. Nick has promised to make an impact in South Philly before flying around the world to spread joy to all the girls and boys! Also appearing are CZW Wrestling Stars including DJ Hyde, Joe Gacy, Drew Gulak and more.

    Maven Bentley promises a afternoon of family fun and will don one of his traditionally goofy personas if fans bring toys for less fortunate children.

    Maven will even personally donate $5.00 to Save Our Streets Philly for each person who brings a toy. Suggested donations are $10.00 or $5.00 and a new unwrapped toy.

    Happy Holidays from the MBA, CZW and The Arena!

    Down in Virginia, Marvin Ward and David Hebner have teamed up with the US Marines Toys For Tots program to help needy children in Virginia experience the joy of Christmas. Staff of WHE will be volunteering their time and efforts over the next couple weeks gathering donations and supplies for the program. ‘The goal will be to collect as many toys and contributions as we can before Christmas so we can assure happiness in as many kids lives as possible this Christmas’ stated Hebner.

    ‘The economy is in really bad shape; the worse I have ever seen it in my lifetime. Parents are struggling and doing everything they can just to keep heat in the house and food on the table and at the end of the day they have nothing left. The kids have to suffer for it and it’s not right. We want to help these parents out as much as we can. If we can help 10 families out this Christmas, then we have brought joy and happiness and made a difference in people’s lives.’ stated Ward. Ward Hebner Entertainment will spread a little extra joy this year as Marvin and David along with Short Sleeve Sampson and several other wrestlers will be joining the convoy helping deliver gifts.

    “How much more joy can you get in your heart to see the faces of parents and children when you pull up in their driveway and they know thanks to donations and help from the community, their family will have a nice Christmas. That’s what it’s all about, and we are honored to help.” stated Hebner. If you would like to make a donation or get involved with the Toys for Tots program, go to this link and click on the link at the top of the website.

    Milwaukee area independent Brew City Wrestling will hold a holiday themed fundraiser on their December 11 show, “A Reason For The Season” to benefit a local boy was severely burned in a car fire in July.

    Dynamite Championship Wrestling is doing its yearly Toys For Tots show on December 12th at Sussex Central High School, 26026 Patriots Way, Georgetown, DE with a 5:00 pm belltime. Tickets are available at Lewes Pizza, Lewes, DE, Tough Luck Tattoo in Lewes, DE and Absolute Tints in Laurel, DE.

    If you’d like to make a direct donation to the Marine Toys for Tots foundation, you can go to this link.

    Until next time….

    If you have comments or questions, or if you’d like to add the AS I SEE IT column to your website, or if you’d like to add advertising on (the flagship website of this column), e-mail me at the address above. Advertising consists of banner ads, available for $400 for one year. These ads would appear on each newspage appearing on the newsboard. Cube ads are also available for $200 for one year, which would be placed on the main newsboard page.