Armando Estrada IYH Interview recap

Armando Estrada Interview recapBy: Bob Colling of for old school wrestling recaps w/videos of matches.

In You Head Online Radio’s interview with Amando Alejandro Estrada. Hosted by Jack and Oneinchbiceps ! To hear the full interview head on over to

This show opened with an exlcusive interview with Dirk Benedict (Face of the -Team) about Bodyslam the Movie, and how Dirk wants to start a campaign to get the movie released on DVD.


Armando is driving around in Chicago. He is upset with being “bumped by Dirk Benedict”. Armando gets him messed up with someone else. Jack makes sure to spin the situation as Estrada is the “main event”.


Jack mentions that Estrada is opening a restaurant. Estrada says it is a “fast casual” type of restaurant. Philly cheese takes, hot dogs and fresh squeezed lemonade are apart of the restaurant. Estrada is hoping to have it open within two weeks.


A callers asks if the cigars Estrada used on RAW were real. Estrada says he will not say anything to incriminate himself. He does hint at the fact that everything about him is legitimate.


Estrada believes he and Umaga had good chemistry. Estrada was the guy who provided the entertainment as Umaga did everything in the ring.


Estrada says that he has always been in pretty good shape, but having to wear a suit, no one noticed. Once he got the call to ECW he trained more to have a better body.


Estrada says that Al Snow, Paul Heyman and Danny Davis helped him get into the WWE. He says that Snow helped him embrace the character he was trying to get across.


He mentions that if you were in OVW you would wrestle four to six nights a week. He mentions that down in Florida your only working one to maybe three days a week. “That’s a major difference in experience.” He believes it will take a little while for FCW to get to working four times a week.


Estrada puts over OVW as having some of the best trainers, including Nick Dinsmore aka Eugene.


He wasn’t disappointed in not being called up with Hassan/Daviari when they got called up. He has just started and wasn’t expecting to be with them. He was just thrown in with them as their bodyguard.


Estrada came up with the character, outfits anything that came out his mouth was his “brain child”.


He was told he was going to be called up with Hassan/Daviari to be a part of their act when they were on the main roster for just under a year. However, this was the time where there were terrorist attacks going on and the plan was scrapped. He was told to find a new character, and a few weeks later he came up with the Estrada character.


He felt comfortable in the Estrada and as Osama Rodriguez Alejandro bodyguard in OVW.


Estrada is asked if he would rather have been a wrestler or manager. He says he was trained to be a wrestler, and that’s what he wants to do, that’s his passion. However, he wasn’t disappointed in being brought up as a manager. He believes the transition and experience as being a manager helped him become a better wrestler.


He was nervous not for the fact that he was debuting with Ric Flair or on RAW it was more because he had bronchitis. He was literally screaming the words for the people to hear him. He was afraid the fans wouldn’t be able to hear what he was saying.


A caller asks if Estrada is seeking a movie career. Estrada mentions that he is in the works with a partner to get a “adult animated cartoon” series. Estrada says it will similar to Family Guy and South Park.


“Anything is possible.. I could work for anyone if the price is right.” When asked if he would be working with TNA.


He is asked if he would be a good mouthpiece for TNA. Estrada doesn’t know, considering he hasn’t worked them.


A caller asks how it felt when Estrada went to Wrestle Mania with Umaga to face Bobby Lashley. He said that it was a great feeling.


Estrada says that he enjoyed working with John Cena. He learned a lot just watching Cena and Umaga working against each other.


He said that he watched Scarface to get a better grasp in how to act Cuban.


He doesn’t know where he would rank his laugh. He does mention that Ted DiBiase should be at the top of the list and agrees with Vince McMahon has a good laugh.


“It was a pretty cool feeling.” When he saw himself as a action figure.


He says that it was a good transition from being a general manager to a wrestler.


“I had fun with my feud with Colin. I just wish we had more time.” He believes that he and Colin Delany could have told a better story if given a couple more weeks.


He makes it known that he is still wrestling, just for the past few weeks he has been focused with his new animation show and restaurant.


Armando says that he left WWE on very good terms. “A lot of people don’t realize that I asked for my release.” He asked for his release because he wasn’t having fun and they weren’t using him.


Estrada simply wasn’t benefiting from “sitting on the bench.”


He believes that he needs to work on everything. Because, there will always be someone who is better that can take your spot. “You can never be happy where you are at. It’s hard to get to the top, It’s harder to stay at the top.”


Estrada says the reason he and Umaga split up was because Umaga could go out to the ring and do it on his own.


Estrada goes on about a favorite rib story. His favorite target is current WWE wrestler JTG of Cryme Tyme. Estrada managed to move some things and was able to make JTG’s bed disappear. Estrada also brings up a rib on The Great Khali. He says that he threw all of his pillows out of the 21st floor window at the hotel.


Jack and the IYH crew thanks Estrada. Estrada says that anyone can keep in touch with him at

Remember to hear the full uncut interview head on over to and don’t forget to tune in every Wednesday 8PM Eastern, This week‘s guest is Jackie Crockett of the famous Crockett wrestling family, other guests who are scheduled to appear include Manny Fernandez, OVW’s Danny Davis, TNA’s Big Fat Oily Guy, Kevin Kleinrock, Scorpio Sky, Rock Riddle and many more so be sure to check out for all of your In Your Head Wrestling Radio needs. Don’t forget to also check In Your Head’s 4 Year Archive which includes interviews from Bill Golbberg, Honky Tonk Man, Paul Bearer, Terry Funk, Bruno Sammartino, Kevin Nash, Chris Jericho, Mick Foley, Samoa Joe, Sunny and many more that’s
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