Annual UWC Toys for Tots toy drive returns


United Wrestling Coalition is once again offering a FREE SHOW to spectators who bring a new unwrapped toy to the Helen A Fort Middle School, 300 Fort Dix Road in Pemberton, NJ on Saturday December 13, 2014.    This show marks the 19th year for United Wrestling Coalition’s toy drive efforts, an annual event that helps collect hundreds of toys for needy children and families in Burlington County.    United Wrestling Coalition owner Lois Thomas states ” We’ve been fortunate enough for so many years to have the support of our community, our wrestlers and our sponsors to be able to present this very family friendly wrestling product – as a way of collecting much needed toys – while thanking all those who make those donations!”      Here’s how it works!
United Wrestling Coalition is the premier family owned and operated professional wrestling company located in Jobstown, New Jersey.   For 19 years, they have presented community responsible events designed to help raise much needed capital and attention to many causes – including Habitat for Humanity, Boy Scouts of America, Muscular Dystrophy, Operation Santa, along with individuals with handicaps, youth sporting teams, local firehouses, and first aid squads.  Their crowning achievement however, has been the annual Toys for Tots Pro Wrestling Toy Drive – collecting over 15000 toys for this organization over the years!
Spectators bring a new unwrapped toy (with a suggested minimum value of just $10) to Helen Fort Middle School on Saturday December 13, 2014.   The doors will open at 6:15pm and Bell Time will start promptly at 7:00pm.   Members of the United States Marine Corps Reserves will collect the donated toys – and UWC Promoter Lois Thomas will give each spectator free door prize tickets for their chance to win one of many door prizes.    Hot dogs and chips, beverages and snacks will be available for purchase once inside the gymnasium.   Additional door prize tickets are also available to purchase.   Proceeds from the food sales and door prize ticket sales are immediately reinvested back into next year’s Toys for Tots event.    Spectators are asked to take their seats for the 7:00pm bell time and then the action starts!!
United Wrestling Coalition has a roster of many professional wrestlers who perform up and down the East Coast, some across country and some have even performed out of country.  Many of these wrestlers have appeared in publications such as Pro Wrestling Between The Sheets and Pro Wrestling Illustrated.  On Saturday, December 13th, you can expect to meet and see on average 25-40 wrestlers perform!      These wrestlers are all highly skilled and professionally trained – and each and every one of them is donating their time to help bring this FREE EVENT to Helen Fort Middle School!
This group of performers have been hand selected based on their proven ability to entertain audiences of all ages, profanity free with no excessive violence, dressing appropriately and following the strict family guidelines that has made United Wrestling Coalition a stand out in this industry.    Lois Thomas is not only a promoter, but first and foremost she is a mother.  When asked about her philosophy, she stated “I take a great deal of pride in knowing that we have the ability to offer content that entertains the very young and the young at heart.   Many of these kids will have their first experience with pro wrestling at our event.   We try to highlight the action, and always spread positive messages of fairness, anti-bullying, and teamwork.  Of course – there are always bad guys in life, but those who have followed UWC for 19 years know, bad guys rarely win in the long run!”    As with many of our older Saturday morning cartoons – Lois promises that the content and dialogue is designed to entertain the kids on their age level, as well as have those hidden meanings that will certainly delight the older fans as well!  “Its a balancing act – one that we enjoy very much!”
The Orphan, Warhead, Unholy Alliance, Mighty Mo, Nathan Avery, King of the Jungle Jimmy Lyon, Joe Rules, Vinny DeMarco, Serious William (Silly Billy’s alter-ego), Rudo The Heel, Ryan Haston, Black List Firm, Textbook Philly Madison, the Party Rockers, Brandon Grayson, Oz, Anthony Graves, Spectrum, Skabz the Clown, Mik Drake and so many others are expected to be in action at this event.   While the card is subject to change – the names listed above represent just a few of the UWC 100 member plus roster of highly skilled and professionally trained performers!
Just as so many are struggling in today’s economy, it was very difficult to find sponsors to help ensure that this event would come to fruition.   Lois Thomas herself has been unemployed for over 16 months!  In fact, we were almost certain we would not be able to offer this event this year when, through the generous donation of the Helen Fort Middle School gymnasium, we were able to lessen our out of pocket expenses to host this event.  Still needing to cover custodial fees, security costs, advertising and such – UWC reached out and received much needed support from Lucas Chrysler Jeep and Dodge in Mount Holly, as well as from Kate & Al’s Pizza in Columbus Farmer’s Market and Vape General LLC, located in Burlington Center Mall and Englishtown, NJ.    Rounding out our financial supporters is Jobstown Pizza in UWC’s hometown of Jobstown, NJ.
Door Prize donations have also dwindled due to the economy – and every day representatives of the UWC is reaching out to secure more donations.   As in past years however, UWC always manages to deliver no fewer than 40 door prizes – some purchased by the company and others donated by fans, and area businesses.    This year we have Free Pizza Certificates, Gift Cards, A Basket of Cash, Lawn and Yard Equipment, Holiday Decorations, Themed gift baskets, and so much more.     Through a combined donation from our Ring Announcer, Dave Kerstetter and one of our many Fans, Alan Woodward, we will be putting together some Vintage Wrestling Toy/Magazine gift baskets.    And one lucky fan will be winning a chance to attend many of our 2015 UWC Events for FREE!
Reserved Seating is available to those spectators pledging to donate a new unwrapped bicycle to Toys for Tots!    You must call ahead at 609-792-9328 and give your name, stating you will be bringing a new bike to the event!   In exchange, United Wrestling Coalition will rope off up to FIVE RESERVED SEATS just for you and your friends!    We start with the front row and work our way back.  In past years we have collected on average 15 bikes a year by offering this reserved seating feature!!!
REMEMBER – The Toys for Tots Pro Wrestling Toy Drive show is slated for December 13thSaturday at 7PM (with doors opening at 6:15)   In the event of snow,  we have a snow date of Sunday, December 14, 2014 with doors opening at 3:15pm and belltime slated for 4pm.   Door Prize Donations, Sponsorships and General Questions can be directed to Lois Thomas at 609-792-9328.    You can find UWC monthly at Browns Mills Fire House, or on Facebook  by searching Real UWC NJ