Julio DineroAtomic Championship Wrestling Presents:

Former ECW, TNA, WWE Star Julio Dinero Seminar!

That’s right folks! Friday night, January 25, 2008, Julio Dinero will be at the Atomic Championship Wrestlng school for a 3 HOUR seminar on the wrestling business. Julio’s 14 years experience give him a large repertoire of topics and subjects to cover about wrestling. Managers and Refs are welcome as well. Time is 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Spots will fill up quick so if you plan to attend, sign up now!

Cost for the seminar is $25.00

ACW Wrestling school is located in Denver Pa 17517.

Contact Twisted Tate for directions either thru his myspace ( http://www.myspace.com/twistedtate) or via email at twistedtatekotu@hotmail.com