A Message To Wrestlers With OWW Profiles

It takes a lot of time and energy to maintain a website as big as Online World of Wrestling, not to mention the pressure of deadlines and real life around the corner.  Our efforts to promote wrestling events and the amazing performers in the ring have grown by leaps and bounds over the years.  At this time, we are asking that you look inside yourself and find it in your hearts to send in whatever you feel is appropriate to compensate the OWW staff for their time and efforts in helping to give the wrestling industry so much exposure over the years. We can accept financial donations via pay pal or by mail, or you may chose to donate merchandise such as wrestling books, wrestling DVDs, autographed photos of yourselves, or compilations tapes of your matches. Just a little something to say thanks for everything OWW has to offer the World of professional wrestling. To all the wrestlers out there who are profiled on OWW or who soon be profiled, thank you very much for your hard work and dedication and we hope we can continue promoting everyone forever and ever — to find out how you can help, email oww@onlineworldofwrestling.com today!