X-Pac on Monday Night Mayhem radio

Courtesy: www.MondayNightMayhem.com
Former member of D-Generation X & former WWE World Tag Team/European Champion, Sean “X-Pac” Waltman, was the special guest on this week’s special edition (05/25/09) of Monday Night Mayhem, hosted by The Big Mosh & Blade. You can feel The Mayhem live & in streaming audio every Monday night (at 8PM ET/7PM CT), exclusively on The Monday Night Mayhem Radio Network (www.MondayNightMayhem.com, www.ITunes.com, www.AudioWrestling.com, & www.MySpace.com/MondayNightMayhem).

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The official kickoff of “The Summer Of Mayhem 2009” is now available for free in Windows Streaming Media, or via The Mayhem’s official Podcast On ITunes:

Sean “X-Pac” Waltman/Monday Night Mayhem Interview (Streaming Audio): www.mondaynightmayhemarchives.com/waxfiles/052509.wax

Sean “X-Pac” Waltman/Monday Night Mayhem Interview (MNM Podcast On ITunes): www.mondaynightmayhemarchives.com/may09/052509.mp3

Here are some of the highlights of Sean’s interview, provided by The Mayhem’s correspondent, Paterson From New Jersey:


The Big Mosh, Blade, & “The Chairman Of The Board” Todd Vincent (MNM’s official columnist) welcomed Sean to the program for his first-ever MNM appearance in the show’s seven+ year history…coming off the heels of taking part in a match “south of the border” for AAA. Waltman began the interview by saying that he normally does not do many interviews, but when he heard it was Monday Night Mayhem, he was very excited.

Sean’s many issues has been public knowledge for a while now, and many of Sean’s long-time loyal fans & members of The Mayhem Nation have been wondering how he has been & what he’s been up to within the last several months. “I’ve been doing great. Some people may know, I hit a rough spot a year ago. I don’t really want to get into the details of it but those who know, I hit low point in my life & courtesy of Vince McMahon, I gotta thank him, I’m doing great now. And now I’m down here headlining in AAA in Mexico.”

The next question was raised by “The Chairman Of The Board” with regards to Sean’s potential future plans to get back to the “big time” of World Wrestling Entertainment. “You know, we have a great relationship but for the time being it’s really not the place for me. This is the place for me right now….I’m making good money, I’m featured, & I’m healthy. That’s the bottom line, I’m healthy. But I do have to thank Vince McMachon, and people say a lot of bad things about him, but he’s bailed me out three times.” He also let it be known that he is still in contact with members of The Kliq. “I don’t mean to sound gay or whatever, but we are best friends forever man. That bond will not break.” He also credits one of his closest friends, Kevin Nash, with coming down to Mexico when he needed some assistance/help & speeding things in the right direction for his “road to recovery.”

The discussion with The Mayhem Crew turned to his recovery & what other aspects besides the help of the WWE that got Sean back on the right track & where he wanted/needed to be. “The last place I went was the place I needed to be. I was able to deal with a lot of my issues, and I came out of there very clear-minded & very healthy. I was suffering from depression…I have my depression under control, and I’m just happy right now. I have made mistakes, and right now, this is the place to be.”

Blade mentioned that his choice of being in Mexico is just that…his choice. Especially with his friendships within “The Kliq,” he logistically could either be in the WWE or TNA at any time he wished, but that he has chosen to stay within AAA/the Mexican wrestling scene. “In my mind, it’s not the place for me, this is the place for me. I have total creative control, I help with a lot of the creative & the overall product. It’s a change for these people down here. They have always done things differently, and I’m bringing a little different flavor.”

Many fans remember the episode of Monday Night RAW that took place the night after WrestleMania XIV, when Waltman (as X-Pac) came back to join D-Generation X. Mosh, Blade, & Todd wanted to get Sean’s thoughts about that evening, which many credit as turning the tables in the “Monday Night Wars” between the WWE & WCW. “I was nervous, and I was wondering what my reaction was going to be…and I was pleasantly surprised. I got stuff off my chest, and it was a magical moment. It was a pinnacle moment in my career and in the history of D-Generation X.”

The questions of the DX faction continued, since Sean was in both main incarnations of the NWO & DX, and the question was posed by the MNM Crew about the differences & similarities about the two factions. “The NWO was diluted, they had the A-Team, the B-Team. Scott, Kevin, & myself were the original ‘Wolfpack,’ and when I left they started the whole Wolfpack thing with Sting & Konnan. But things was such a mess there, and things were getting out of hand. There were too many chiefs & not enough Indians. When I got to the WWE, there was a sense of order. There wasn’t the chaos…Everybody was making money & everybody was happy. It was a magical time in my life.”

This month of May is somewhat bittersweet for Waltman, with the 16-year anniversary of himself (as The 1-2-3 Kid) beating Scott Hall (as Razor Ramon) on Monday Night RAW, as well as the ten-year anniversary of the tragic passing of Owen Hart during the “Over The Edge” PPV at The Kemper Arena in Kansas City, MO. Mosh asked Sean how cool it is when fans come up to him & tell him about watching him beat Scott Hall or watching him with Hall/Nash in the NWO. “Humbly I have to say that I am very grateful. Everybody comes up to be & say how they remember me beating Razor, and that was one of the first big angles of RAW, and the fact that they still hold me in their hearts, I can’t thank them enough.” And Sean went candidly on the record with The Mayhem about his memories of Owen & that those memories are indeed very strong to this day: “We pulled a lot of ribs together. I could go on & on about the stuff we did behind the scenes man, it was priceless stuff. I love Owen Hart to death, and that such was dark moment in wrestling history.”

The forthcoming “Rise And Fall Of WCW” DVD documentary (produced by World Wrestling Entertainment), is slated to come out at the end of August. This release has recently been in the news, as many former combatants in the “Monday Night Wars” (such as Eric Bischoff & Ted Turner) turned down the invitation to be filmed for the project. The Mayhem Crew wanted to get Sean’s view of this upcoming DVD: “That’s no surprise to me that they don’t want to participate in that. You know how WWE videos are…They do a wonderful job, but they put their own side to it. You do an interview with them, they could chop it up, so I could see why Turner & Bischoff wouldn’t want to do it.”

Some wrestling critics & armchair quarterbacks have said that “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels is “washed up.” In addition to this, plus the normal everyday criticisms of Triple H for “holding guys back,” Mosh, Blade, & “The Chairman Of The Board” asked Sean if those that are criticizing are wrong in those estimations by a long shot: “He (Michaels) just had one the greatest matches I have ever seen (with The Undertaker at WrestleMania XXV). Say what you want, but the proof is in the pudding man.” Blade added the fact that some if some talents don’t step aside, the young(er) guys could/can never move up. “There is something to that, however these are the guys that really know what to do in the ring. Just like Ric Flair, he can still go out there, and he’s not in his prime anymore, but he still outdo 90% of the guys out there. What people don’t realize is that these guys are trying to nurture these young guys, and it’s just an outside view.” He ended this part of the conversation by saying “You could go from the golden child one day & out the door the next.”

The current crop of WWE superstars were discussed, and if Sean came back to the WWE, who would he possibly want to work with. “CM Punk has something going on, I think maybe he has been derailed a little bit. I am really impressed with (Chris) Jericho. He came back & has been in some phenomenal stuff. With the young guys, it’s hard to say right now, because a lot of those guys have been brought in without much experience, without the main event style for the WWE.” He went on to call Jericho “the Pete Rose Of Wrestling.”

Waltman was a fairly young man when he started out in the business, and many of the more-tenured superstars gave him advice when he was coming up within the independent scene to his early days in the WWE. So, the question posed by The Mayhem Crew on what lessons that he would try instill in a young guy coming up in the business. “Listen to the guys that know. Even if you think it’s not right, take their advice & try it, and if it doesn’t work, then what the hell…That’s what the senior guys are there for. Not everybody is there to help the younger guys, but a lot of them are. Especially Triple H, he’s in that hierarchy of the WWE. He has all the incentive to help these younger guys, because it’s going to keep the business going after he’s done in the ring.”

As many who have followed Sean’s career, especially through his time in WCW, there has been some “heat” between himself & several other superstars. It has long been said that Hulk Hogan, while in World Championship Wrestling, ruffled the feathers of many within the locker room. Mosh & Blade asked Sean for his thoughts on “The Hulkster,” his recent “Celebrity Championship Wrestling” project, his recent issues within his family, & when he last had the chance to speak with him. “I haven’t seen Hulk in several years, and even though when I said Hulk Hogan sucks when I came back to the WWE, Hulk Hogan was the man. I worked with him, and it was magic. No one understands that this is magic..He is a good guy & I feel bad for what he is going thought right now. I can’t say enough about Hulk.”

As a parting shot, The Mayhem Crew wanted to know what is “the next step” for Waltman & if a DX reunion is possible/could happen. “Honest to god, I don’t know how to answer that question. Chyna probably wouldn’t be involved most likely. They’re very weary of me, they love me to death, I love them to death, but I have a lot to prove just to honest with you.”

More was discussed in this Mayhem exclusive with Sean Waltman (a 40+ minute inter, view), including his uncensored/candid thoughts on his initial takes of The Hardy Boyz (back when they first started in the WWE in the early ’90’s), ECW’s Evan Bourne (and his takes on having this chance to work with him as part of Wrestling Society X), the new stable he is currently in (D-Generation Mex), one of the funniest “ribbing” stories involving Bret “Hitman” Hart & his brother (the late Owen Hart), his memories of the late “Mr. Perfect” Curt Hennig, & the evolution of the business to today’s “sports-entertainment” of today. One of the most-charismatic & controversial superstars in the history of professional wrestling & sports-entertainment, exclusively on “Your Home Of Wrestling Radio,” as part of the kickoff of “The Summer Of Mayhem 2009,” which is now available for all MNM listeners (in streaming audio or through the official MNM Podcast On ITunes).

Sean will be a part of this Saturday’s “Legends Of The Ring VIII” Fan Fest in Monroe, NJ (courtesy: Jason Blaustein & Turnbuckle Promotions). For ticket information, log onto www.LegendsOfTheRing.com.

All new & old members of “The Mayhem Nation” can check out the official Monday Night Mayhem Audio Vault, which contains the finest programming from the seven+ years of “Your Home Of Wrestling Radio.” You can re-live interviews with some of your favorite WWE superstars (Chris Jericho, CM Punk, Christian, Ted DiBiase, Cody Rhodes, Charlie Haas, “The Glamazon” Beth Phoenix, & Candice Michelle), WWE Hall Of Famers (“The Immortal” Hulk Hogan, Jesse “The Body” Ventura, Jim Ross, Terry Funk, Harley Race, Dory Funk, Jr., Bret “The Hitman” Hart, Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat, “Superstar” Billy Graham, The Iron Sheik, Tito Santana, “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff, Greg “The Hammer” Valentine, Don Muraco, “Cowboy” Bill Watts, Bobby “The Brain” Heenan, & “The Mouth Of The South” Jimmy Hart), the first-post WWE comments from Bam Neely, Kevin Thorn, Elijah Burke, Armando Estrada, Wildcat” Chris Harris, The Highlanders, Nick “U-Gene” Dinsmore, & Johnny Swinger, the finest from Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA President Dixie Carter, Jeff Jarrett, Jim Cornette, Terry Taylor, The Main Event Mafia’s Kevin Nash & Scott Steiner, “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles, “The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe, “The Blueprint” Matt Morgan, Team 3-D, Beer Money’s “Tennessee Cowboy” James Storm/Robert Roode, The Motor City Machine Guns’ Chris Sabin/Alex Shelley, “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal, The LAX’s Homicide, Eric Young, “The War Machine” Rhino, & Sheik-Abdul Bashir — along with TNA Women’s Knockout Champion Angelina Love, as well as fellow Knockouts Velvet Sky, Taylor Wilde, ODB, Christy Hemme, & Traci Brooks). All this & so much more…now available World Wide & 365 at www.MondayNightMayhem.com.