Wrestling Globe Newsletter for 4/27


Monday April 27, 2009
by Mike Aldren

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4/26 Backlash PPV results from Providence, RI: Christian over Jack Swagger to capture the ECW title; Chris Jericho over Ricky Steamboat; Kane over CM Punk; Jeff Hardy over Matt Hardy in an I Quit match; Santina Marella over Beth Phoenix to retain her Miss Wrestlemania title; Legacy over Triple H, Batista & Shane McMahon with Orton pinning Hunter to capture the WWE title; and Edge over John Cena in a Last Man Standing match to capture the world title. .

All three major titles changed hands last night during one of the most eventful Backlash PPV’s in history. Christian captured the ECW title over Swagger in a good opener. After the match they did a backstage segment with all the ECW babyfaces congratulating Christian. Edge appeared and told Christian: “Well I guess now you have you’re championship you some how think you’re better than me.” Christian asked Edge what happened to him while he was away. They argued with Edge saying he is the way he is because of John Cena.

I think this was right time for Christian but where they go from here is anyone’s guess. There is for sure a lot more mileage in a program with Swagger but Dreamer has two months left on his contract and wants to go out with a bang. ECW is the real developmental group of WWE and the recent additions of Shane Helms and DH Smith should provide more depth and quality to the brand.

Jericho-Steamboat was a very good match but the crowd wasn’t as hot for it as I thought they would. Lot’s of near falls and Steamboat pulled off all his trademark moves. This may have been Steamboat’s (56) last match.
I hope they move on from the legends deal as Jericho vs. Mysterio on top would be fresh and potentially tear the house down.

Punk-Kane was better than their match on Raw last week. They don’t seem to have much chemistry in the ring although this appears to be the start of a lengthy program. Punk worked the arm for most of the match with Kane eventually getting the pin with a double arm chokeslam. They need more time to develop.

Jeff Hardy beat Matt Hardy in an I Quit match. Good match. The finish saw Jeff duct taping Matt to a table then threatening to jump on him from a ladder. Matt was begging for his life saying he loved Jeff and that their sick father and dead mother wouldn’t want Jeff to do this.
Matt eventually quit but Jeff jumped on him anyway. They must be pretty confident that Jeff is sticking around to put him over so strong. Jeff vs. Edge for the title seems likely moving forward if he signs the contract extension.

The Santina-Khali make out session was up next. Khali was puckering up but Santina said she couldn’t kiss Khali because she was in love with another man. I immediately thought Cole or Ross, and well, it was Ross who clearly had no idea this was going down. Santina had line of the night saying JR calls her his “little Slobberknocker.” Ranjin Singh (who now translates for Khali without him evewn speaking) said Khali doesn’t want to get in the way of two lovers, and said Santina and JR should kiss instead. The camera cut back to JR who said “that’s not gonna happen, I assure you, that’s not gonna happen.” Cole said: “Come on, Mr.
BBQ man.” Ross shot him a death stare and asked whom fed him that line (probably Vince in the headset). This was awesome but not in a good way.
Before the kiss could happen Pheonix came out and challenged Santina for her Miss Wrestlemania title. She got in Khali’s face and poked him in the chest until he gave her the worst looking chop ever. She was knocked out so Santina pinned her. Afterwards Khali ripped off Santina’s bra and she ran off. Lawler said “I guess we’ve seen it all” and thankfully they went a video package hyping the next match. I feel so bad for Ross. He really needs a no humiliation clause in his contract.

Orton pinned Triple H in the six-man tag for the WWE title. Another good match. In the end Hunter was distracted by Batista, who was about to hit Shane with a chair and cost Hunter the title, which enabled Orton to hit the RKO. Hunter kicked out at two and a half. The bell rang as the ringer messed up. Slight confusion. The referee waved it off and said the match was still on. Orton punted Hunter and pinned him. They didn’t get the reaction they were looking for. As they put Hunter on a stretcher the crowd chanted “hey hey goodbye” which was awesome. Hunter should be gone for a few weeks selling the punt. Well, you would think.

Edge captured the World title over Cena in a Last Man Standing match. A far better match than anything they’ve done in the past. Lot’s of big spots. Both hit their finishers from the middle rope teasing a ten count. They ended up brawling around the arena up on the staging area.
Cena was about to hit the Attitude Adjustment on the entrance ramp but Big Show ran out and threw Cena into a large spotlight which exploded.
The stunt looked really cool. The referee counted to ten and your new 9-time heavyweight champion is Edge.

After the match several babyfaces came out to check on Cena who was taken out on a stretcher. Punk was around which had a few people wondering if he was going to cash his Money in the Bank. It didn’t happen and they went off the air early. Backlash was a really good show considering it was thrown together with very little build. If you read the reviews before buying the PPV’s this is well worth checking out.

Raw is live tonight from the Arena At Harbor Yard in Bridgeport, CT.
Nothing announced for the show at press time. The Smackdown/ECW tapings is Tuesday from Madison Square Garden in New York City with MVP (managed by Sherri Shepherd from The View) vs. Dolph Ziggler for the U.S. title.
We’re looking for reports from both sold out shows to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com


Justin Credible was backstage visiting earlier in the day in Providence.
He bought some tickets and was sitting in the crowd with his son during the show.

Matt Hardy broke his hand during the spot Jeff crashed him through a table. He will be out of the ring for 4-6 weeks. The plan as of the last creative meeting was to program him with MVP for the U.S. title.
Watching the match back the way his hands were tied this was an accident begging to happen.

Some more notes from Backlash. John Cena Sr. was sat ringside opposite the hard camera… The preshow dark match was Kofi Kingston over Dolph Ziggler… Before they went live Lilian Garcia had a slip of the tongue welcoming everyone to “Backslash”… There was a huge fight in the crowd during the I Quit match with one fan being thrown down a section of seats and haymakers flying all over the place… The “fans” that caught Edge when Cena gave him the Attitude Adjustment from the announce booth were indie workers from New England… Triple H left the building in an Ambulance which I assume was shot for Raw/WWE.com. (Thanks to Jimmy and the guys at www.myspace.com/offthemarkshow)

As far as PPV goes the three man announce team of Ross, Lawler and Cole is here to stay. The next PPV is Judgment Day on 5/17 in Chicago at the Allstate Arena.

Former TNA wrestler Lance Hoyt has been signed. I assume he is headed to developmental. 

Contrary to reports else where, Lacey Von Erich was not signed.

Mike Knox and Charlie Haas were put together in a tag team on the European tour. They were announced as the Hard Knox Connection. I wonder if Haas will grow a beard?

We received an email from someone saying they saw an ad in New Orleans for the 6/7 Extreme Rules PPV with Chris Jericho advertised in a cage match against a TBA opponent.

Jamie Noble has gone for a new look and shaved his head.

TMZ at http://tinyurl.com/cwq6al has a video with Mickey Rourke at LAX airport claiming he broke his hand at Wrestlemania punching Jericho. He did have his hand bandaged up after the show although he attended the Shamrock-Diaz fight a few days later sans bandage. Apparently he is quite the worker.

John Cena catches up with Jonathan Coachman at the ESPN studios at

CM Punk is throwing first pitch at the Cubs-Astros game in Chicago on 5/15. I believe the game airs on WGN.

Global License Magazine named WWE at No. 37 on their list of the Top 100 licensors. Disney topped the list. WWE finished ahead of Playboy, Universal Studios and Coca-Cola amongst others.


4/26 house show results from Columbus, OH: Suicide over Shark Boy; Madison Rayne over Sojo Bolt;  Lethal Consequences over Beer Money, Inc.; Jerry Jarrett over Sheik Abdul Bashir; Rhino over Brutus Magnus; and Samoa Joe & Daniels over Scott Steiner & Kurt Angle.

Show drew around 500 although the building was set up for 2500. Lethal Consequences-Beer Money was said to be match of the night. LC danced to James Brown’s Living in America with Earl Hebner (who gets his own
entrance) after the match. Fans ate it up. Rayne has gone over Bolt all weekend which doesn’t make much sense since Bolt is number one contender for the Knockout’s title. But this is pro wrestling in 2009 and only counts if it’s on TV. Kurt Angle was the only guy on the roster who got a superstar reaction.

TV this week is already in the can. The next house show is Thursday at the Coliseum in Knoxville, TN.


Lance Cade has been contacted about coming in. He has some commitments in Japan that he needs to finish up first.

Roxxi and Rhaka Khan are serving unofficial 60 day suspensions. Neither were brought to the television tapings last week after the backstage altercation at the last tapings.

Jamie D (who worked briefly as Sirelda) is trying to get back in.


Dory Funk Jr. is training a huge prospect at his school in Ocala, FL.
They’ve called him Jason the Giant and is a legit 7’4″ 450 lbs. He currently works as a correctional officer for the State Prison in North Florida.

Dwayne Johnson’s nephew, Kaluka, was drafted to the Cleveland Browns as the 104th overall pick.

The Timmons Daily Press at http://tinyurl.com/cbteva has a story on Trish Stratus. She talks about her WWE tenure and the death of Andrew Martin calling his passing “a reality of the business.”

New interview with Bret Hart at http://tinyurl.com/czvll4 who was in the UK last week promoting his book. On the timeless SummerSlam match with Davey Boy Smith at Wembley Statium, he said: “They’ll never have that time and period and the way wrestling was loved over here at that moment. It was just so special. I don’t care what anyone says but I was more popular than Bulldog was at the time. I was really over with the people here I think more than anybody else. I could feel it and I knew that.” He said neither of his sons have any interest in wrestling: “Both my boys are big enough. I know my dad would have loved to have trained them and even Vince I’m sure would have loved to have got his hands on them. I’m sure they could do it. They’re both pretty athletic. But they seem to have no interest in wrestling at all.” On burying the hatchet with Shawn Michaels: “For me I don’t really have much issue with (Survivor Series) anymore. If you asked me that up until probably about a year ago I’d have probably said something different. But I’ve cooled off a bit now. I don’t want to carry it around anymore. If he wanted to apologise I would accept it. I’d move on but I wouldn’t forget it.” On inducting Michaels into the Hall of Fame: “Maybe if he wants to make himself feel better about it he should have the guts to pick up the phone and apologise. Then we’ll see after that.”

El Generico of ROH got the results of his MRI. He has significant damage to his knee, specifically his MCL, which will keep him out of action for a few weeks.

There were a couple of injuries of note at the ROH shows this past weekend. Roderick Strong received 10 stitches to close the wound on his head he suffered in a match against Jerry Lynn. Jon Davis of the Dark City Fight Club dislocated his wrist and was taken to the hospital in Dayton. Neither are expected to miss any time.

From the ‘Where Are They Now’ files… Former WCW interviewer Pamela Paulshock was signing at the Hollywood Collectors Show in Burbank, CA over the weekend. She is still modeling and picking up acting work.

As well as Howard Stern the Iron Sheik is doing the Opie and Anthony radio show this coming Thursday morning.

The latest Globe tabloid magazine has Hulk Hogan on the cover with quotes inside from Linda talking about how she now “fears for her” after the OJ comments in Rolling Stone.

Mike Quackenbush’s CHIKARA promotion has a new working agreement with Dragon Gate USA. I assume this means a talent exchange.

There is nice story at http://tinyurl.com/cj7enw about Susan Taylor, a longtime fan who is battling cancer, who lived in Georgia in the 70s and 80s. She recently got to meet her high school crush Wildfire Tommy Rich.

WG Diva of the Day — Velvet Sky — http://tinyurl.com/cdxvkv



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