“Cowboy” Bob Kelly passes away


It is with a heavy heart that the Cauliflower Alley Club announces the passing of “Cowboy” Bob Kelly. Bob was 78 years of age.

The Cauliflower Alley Club extends our deepest gratitude to the “Cowboy” for his years of service to the CAC. What a class act! You will be missed, our dear friend.

Bob got his start in wrestling in 1958, putting up rings for Wee Willie Davis in Louisville, KY. He then went to Mobile, AL where he was wrestling for Lee Fields’s Gulf Coast Wrestling in 1965. He stayed there as the booker until Lee sold the territory in 1977. In his years in the business, Bob worked as a ring boy, ring announcer, referee, wrestler, promoter, and booker. Currently, Bob served as the President of the Gulf Coast Wrestlers Reunion in Mobile, AL, a position he has held since former President Fields passed away on June 4, 2000. Bob was introduced to Dean Silverstone and the CAC by his dear friend and CAC Lifetime Member, the late Eddie Sullivan. In addition to being on the CAC Board, Cowboy was honored by the CAC in 2007 and served as the official link between CAC and GCWR.

Check out his great career here!