Bobby Fulton still enjoys stepping into the ring

big_bobbyHosts Jack E. Jones and One Inch Biceps welcomed Bobby Fulton to IYH Wrestling Radio for a return appearance. Bobby is best known as being one half (along with Tommy Rogers) of the classic tag team The Fantastics.

Highlights included the following:

* His thoughts on the use of heroes and villains in wrestling:

“You know, a lot of people don’t realize. The fans of today they talk about John Cena, but there was a John Cena in every territory and a Brock Lesnar in every territory. You see, if Vince McMahon today would have heroes and villains, he would draw even more money than what he’s drawing now because everybody wants to hate somebody and everybody wants to pull for somebody, and that was the magic of wrestling for years. When you take that element away, it takes away one of the major elements of professional wrestling of the good guy and the bad guy.”

* His thoughts on the problems with today’s wrestling product:

“It’s something for the young guys to realize. The people ain’t buyin’ what they’re selling on Monday night, so why go to your local town in Independentville and try to emulate that?… I mean, I’m not throwing off on Vince (McMahon) this whole time and I don’t want to, because there’s a great, rich wrestling history that I’m thankful to God that I was involved in, but I hear people all the time say I get tired of fifteen minutes of wrestling and an hour and forty-five minutes of talking…And you know what’s amazing? Here’s Vince McMahon in the wrestling business and he doesn’t want to be in the wrestling business. Then why won’t he get out?…Why don’t they go back to the XFL, or the World Bodybuilding Federation, and leave the wrestling business alone?…But here’s the problem: I just think the way wrestling is, and this might get me a lot of heat with a lot of people but I don’t care, is that on the independent scene it’s such a watered-down version of wrestling; it doesn’t even resemble it because they’re trying to copy off the WWE and that ain’t even wrestling. I hope I don’t sound like I’m being whatever, but I’m speaking the truth and from the heart…and most people agree. 90 percent of the people agree. There might be 10 percent that don’t, but 90 percent of them agree.”

Other topics discussed included:
* Which territory had the wildest fans back in the 1980’s?
* What are his thoughts on Bill Watts?
* What was his list of the toughest wrestlers he ever faced?
* Which Midnight Express pairing did he prefer to work with?
* Who designed and made the attire The Fantastics wore to the ring?
* Being an ordained minister, why does he believe so many wrestlers come to Christ?

Bobby will be appearing on Saturday, October 11 in Chillicothe, Ohio as part of Big Time Wrestling’s “Rasslin’ for a Reason” event. For further information (this is a benefit for the Special Olympics), go to

This interview is available for listening at: