Famous tag team appearing at the LA Comic Book & Science Fiction convention today


CHRISTOPHER DANIELS & FRANKIE KAZARIAN will be appearing at the Los Angeles Comic Book & Science Fiction Convention, being held at the Shrine Auditorium Expo Center at 700 W. 32nd St., Los Angeles, CA, this Sunday, August 17, from 1:00-4:00 at the Hollywood Book and Poster company booth. The booth is right at the entrance to the convention, so CD & Kaz will greet you with their matinee-idol smiles, their Adonis-like physiques, and copies of CHRISTOPHER DANIELS & KAZARIAN WRESTLE AW YEAH COMICS! Come say hello to the Best Tag-Team in the Biz-I-Ness right before you go enjoy the grappling stylings of SUMMERSLAM! For more info, go to www.comicbookscifi.com.