WWE Monday Night RAW
Location: Portland, OR
Date: August 11, 2014
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, and JBL
Tonight’s WWE RAW Pre-show kicks off with Byron Saxton, Booker T and Alex Riley at WWE studios. We see fans piling into the Moda Center in Portland, Oregon. Riley hypes SummerSlam week. They hype surprises and guests for Hulk Hogan’s birthday celebration tonight. Riley says Stephanie McMahon has a confession about Brie Bella that she’s going to reveal tonight. Booker says John Cena and Brock Lesnar will both be here live. Tonight’s pre-show promo code for WWE Shop is “PRE20” for 20% off with free shipping. We get a look back at Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose on last week’s RAW where Dean ruined the briefcase. We also see Rollins attacking Ambrose on SmackDown as the panel hypes their SummerSlam Lumberjack match. Booker says it’s going to be a fight.
– We get more hype for Rollins vs. Ambrose. Saxton sends it to Renee Young at the arena. She’s with Ambrose. She asks how he feels going into the Lumberjack match. Ambrose says he’s old school and says the ring will be surrounded by guys who have no love for him or Rollins. The feed cuts out and we go back to the panel in the middle of them talking, proving it’s not live. They discuss Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns at SummerSlam now. Reigns will face an opponent that’s hand-picked by The Authority tonight. We go to commercials and come back to a look at Brie Bella vs. Stephanie McMahon. The panel talks about their SummerSlam match. Riley wonders if Stephanie will have ring rust. Riley plugs WWE Shop some more. We get more Network commercials and a look at Lesnar vs. Cena. Riley says Cena is in over his head. More hype from the panel and that’s it.
– Tonight’s WWE RAW opens with a look at presents on the stage for Hulk Hogan’s birthday celebration. Michael Cole, JBL and Jerry Lawler welcome us.
– We go right to the ring and out comes Paul Heyman with Brock Lesnar. Heyman introduces himself and says in 6 days he will be the advocate for the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar. Heyman cuts a promo and says bad things happen to good people when you step in the ring with Lesnar. Heyman shows us stills of Lesnar defeating The Undertaker at WrestleMania XXX. Heyman also talks about Lesnar taking out The Rock and Hulk Hogan. Heyman says Cena fans won’t want to miss SummerSlam because after this Sunday, you ain’t gonna see Cena ’round here anymore, he says. Heyman shows us stills from Lesnar beating on Cena at Extreme Rules 2012. Heyman goes on and has a rap of his own about Cena and SummerSlam. Heyman says this is Brock’s house now and he’s taking the man of the house out to dinner. He teases Cena and Hogan for later on.
– The announcers hype the WWE Network. They’re already heavy with the $9.99 plugs. Still to come, Cena will be here live to respond to Lesnar and Heyman. Also, we celebrate Hulk Hogan’s birthday. We get a video of rapper Flo Rida wishing Hogan a happy 21st birthday. “Weird Al” Yankovic also wishes Hogan happy birthday in a video. We see Roman Reigns backstage warming up. Back to commercial.
Roman Reigns vs. Ryback and Curtis Axel in a “2-on-1” handicap match
We come back and Roman Reigns makes his way out to a pop. Kane’s music hits and he comes to the stage in a suit. He’s glad to be back as the Director of Operations. Kane fumbles his words and fans laugh at him. He introduces Reigns’ opponents, Ryback and Curtis Axel. Axel starts off with Reigns. They’re slow to get started but Reigns applies a headlock. They trade holds. Axel talks trash and Reigns drops him with a punch. Ryback begs for a tag and gets it. Ryback talks trash to Reigns and they lock up. Reigns with a headlock. Reigns goes for a shoulder tackle but Ryback doesn’t move. Ryback talks more trash and Reigns clotheslines him. Reigns takes it to the corner but Ryback turns things around. Ryback with shoulder thrusts now. Reigns fights out and hits another big clothesline. Axel distracts Reigns and Ryback takes control. Reigns counters a suplex with one of his own. Reigns with more strikes. Reigns knocks Axel off the apron and mounts Ryback in the corner with right hands. Axel interferes again and Ryback powerbombs Reigns as we go to commercial.
We come back and Reigns fights off Ryback and Axel. Reigns knocks Axel off the apron and Ryback through the ropes. He follows and Axel grabs him from behind. Reigns fights him off but Ryback hits him from behind. Ryback throws Reigns into the ring post. Axel does the same and the referee warns them. They both grab Reigns and throw him into the ring post for the disqualification.
Winner by DQ: Roman Reigns
– After the bell, they bring Reigns in the ring. Axel nails a big dropkick into the corner. Ryback follows with a splash. Reigns comes back with a clothesline on Axel and a big shot on Ryback. Axel takes a Samoan Drop. Reigns sends Ryback over the top rope. He dodges Axel and drops him on the bottom rope. Reigns runs around the ring and hits the apron kick on Axel. Reigns throws Ryback into the ring post and rolls him in the ring. Reigns nails a Superman punch on Ryback and Axel. Fans chant for a spear and he nails it on Ryback first. Axel gets up next and goes right back down with a spear. Reigns’ music hits as we go to replays. Renee Young interviews Reigns in the ring about facing Randy Orton at SummerSlam. The crowd is hot and Reigns asks them if it looks like he’s ready for Orton. Reigns admits Orton left hi laying two weeks ago. Reigns says he’s never stolen anything from Orton but is going to take everything from him on Sunday. Reigns asks what a Viper is when it has its teeth knocked down its throat? A worthless little worm. Reigns says to believe that and hits the turnbuckles.
– We see Kane walking backstage. Randy Orton approaches. He says Ryback, Axel and the Demon himself couldn’t get the job done on Reigns but he will end Reigns at SummerSlam. Kane says The Authority wants to make sure Orton is ready for SummerSlam so he’s facing Sheamus tonight. Kane says it’s best for business. Orton walks off.
– Still to come, Stephanie McMahon has a confession to make to Brie Bella. Also, an interview with Cole, Bray Wyatt and Chris Jericho.
Rob Van Dam vs. Seth Rollins
We go to the ring and out comes Rob Van Dam to a pop. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Seth Rollins is making his entrance with his briefcase. The bell rings and they go at it. RVD with a big kick in the corner. RVD hits a standing moonsault for a 2 count. Rollins turns it around in the corner and beats RVD down. Rollins keeps RVD grounded on the mat. RVD comes back with a kick. Rollins rolls to the floor to regroup. RVD kicks him into the barrier. RVD drops Rollins on top of the barrier. RVD goes to the apron and goes for a big kick but Rollins moves and RVD lands hard on the barrier. We go to commercial.
We come back and RVD is making another comeback. RVD with clotheslines and a scoop slam. RVD hits Rolling Thunder for a 2 count. RVD with a kick to the face and a split-legged moonsault for another 2 count. More back and forth. Rollins takes control and hits the curb stomp for the win.
Winner: Seth Rollins
– After the match, Rollins limps to the stage with his briefcase and keeps watching his back for Dean Ambrose. Rollins is suspicious of a large package in the group of presents for Hulk Hogan. He goes to walk away and Ambrose tears through the large package, attacking Rollins. Ambrose beats him to the ring and right back out of it. Rollins runs through the crowd and Ambrose takes a mic to the ring. The crowd pops big for Ambrose. He tells Rollins to run while he still can because there’s no running or hiding in a Lumberjack match. Ambrose says Rollins’ ass belongs to him in 6 days. Ambrose says for $9.99 he’s going to get more than his money’s worth. We go to replays.
– We see Stephanie McMahon walking backstage. The announcers plug WWE Slam City and show us a promo for the new episodes.
– Back from the break and out comes Stephanie McMahon to the ring. We get a replay of last week’s closing segment with Stephanie and Brie Bella. Stephanie says it’s always her mission to do what’s best for the entire WWE Universe. She says sometimes they receive information that could negatively impact the lives of their employees and they’re faced with decisions. She mentions Daniel Bryan having surgery and rehab. Stephanie brings out the woman that has been helping Bryan, physical therapist Megan Miller. We see a photo of Megan and Bryan doing PT on the big screen. Megan is in the audience and comes to the ring. Stephanie says Megan has something to confess. She says Megan is the victim and encourages her to confess what she has to say. Megan says she has gotten to know Brie and Bryan and they’re good people. Megan and her boyfriend have had dinner with them. She’s tried hard to get Bryan back in the ring. The crowd gives her the “what?” treatment. Stephanie tells her to go on. Megan says she’s ashamed. Her boyfriend left her because of this. She says she can’t be Bryan’s physical therapist anymore. Stephanie asks why. She says it all happened so innocently. The woman says she has been having an affair with Bryan. Brie Bella rushes out and gets in Megan’s face. Stephanie eggs them on. Brie ends up slapping Megan and spearing Stephanie before putting her in the Yes Lock. They’re broken up and Stephanie says they’re going to finish this tonight.
– Still to come, Cole’s interview with Wyatt and Jericho. Back to commercial.
– Back from the break and we get a replay of the segment with Daniel Bryan’s physical therapist saying she’s been having an affair with him.
Jack Swagger vs. Cesaro
We go to the ring and out comes Jack Swagger with Zeb Colter. Cesaro waits in the ring. They lock up and Swagger goes for the leg. They trade holds and Cesaro drops Swagger with a shoulder but misses a stomp. Swagger comes back and slams Cesaro for a 2 count. Swagger misses in the corner and Cesaro goes to work. Cesaro with a big gutwrench suplex as fans start a USA chant. Cesaro works Swagger over in the corner now. Cesaro with a big running uppercut. Cesaro with an abdominal stretch now. Cesaro with more offense and a knee to the spine for a 2 count. Swagger rams Cesaro back into the corner but runs into a boot. Cesaro comes off the second rope and decks Swagger. Cesaro goes back to the corner but Swagger catches him with a belly-to-bell suplex. Swagger with clotheslines now. Cesaro comes back and drops Swagger over the top rope. Cesaro knocks Swagger from the apron to the barrier with a big kick. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Swagger manages to break free. Swagger comes back with a big clothesline and a knee in the corner. Swagger with a big boot. Swagger hits a Swagger Bomb for a 2 count. Cesaro with a roll up for 2. Swagger with shots in the corner. Cesaro with a shot to the throat and then the face for a close 2 count. Cesaro with a splash off the second rope for another 2 count. Cesaro tries to superplex Swagger from the apron but Swagger almost suplexes him out to the floor. Swagger knocks Cesaro into the ring. Cesaro catches Swagger with a big knee to the gut and a running uppercut for another close 2 count. Cesaro stomps on Swagger but Swagger grabs his ankle for the Patriot Lock. Cesaro quickly gets to the ropes. Cesaro with a big shot to the jaw. Cesaro goes to the top but Swagger runs up and brings him to the mat. Swagger with the Patriot Lock for the win.
Winner: Jack Swagger
– After the match, Swagger is bleeding in the mouth and stands with the American flag. Zeb cuts a promo and mentions Portland for a pop. Zeb says Swagger will own Rusev at SummerSlam. Zeb asks all Real Americans to rise… but the pyro hits and a Russian flag drops down over the ring. Out comes Lana and Rusev, who is waiving a Russian flag. They have a staredown from the ramp and the ring.
– Still to come, more on Stephanie and Brie. Also, Orton vs. Sheamus and the interview with Wyatt & Jericho. Back to commercial.
– Back from the break and we get a plug for Bray Wyatt vs. Chris Jericho. We go to Michael Cole’s sit-down interview with both men. Wyatt tells Cole he can leave and sends him away. Wyatt asks Jericho if he remembers his dreams from when he was a kid. Wyatt talks about Jericho’s father being disappointed in him. Wyatt says Jericho has tried to be a savior but can’t even save himself. Wyatt says the only thing he lives for is to help people who can’t help themselves but he’s not a savior. Bray goes on and says his smile is the last thing Jericho will ever see. Jericho says he’s not a savior but after 15 years of being in WWE, everything he’s done, he’s become a survivor. He says you never know what you’re going to get from Jericho and there’s a lot of sides to him. Jericho says he can’t promise which side Bray will see at SummerSlam but he promises he follow the buzzards and shove them down Bray’s throat. Jericho says he will be the first person in WWE history to leave Wyatt speechless.
WWE Divas champion AJ Lee vs. Eva Marie in a non-title match
We go to the ring and out comes WWE Divas Champion AJ Lee for a non-title match. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Eva Marie is waiting in the ring. We get a look back at SmackDown two weeks ago where Paige shoved AJ off the stage. They lock up and trade holds. AJ takes Eva down with a headlock. The music hits and out comes Paige. Paige skips down the ramp and around the ring while her music plays, distracting AJ. Eva comes from behind with a roll up for the win.
Winner: Eva Marie
– Paige speaks from the stage after the match. She recites a poem about pushing AJ off the stage, saying AJ has the face she wants to punch. Paige says she’s going to be skipping her way out of SummerSlam with the Divas Title. AJ goes out to ringside and grabs Eva, who is trying to get up. AJ slams her face into the floor and the announcers table. AJ rams Eva into the apron and mounts her with strikes. AJ tosses Eva into the barrier. AJ grabs her title and skips around the ring before heading to the back.
– We get a look back at Heyman and Lesnar from earlier tonight. Cena is walking backstage and we go back to commercial.
– Back from the break and out comes WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena in his new red, white and yellow gear. Cena mocks Heyman, introduces himself and says he’s to be maimed and conquered at SummerSlam, that is if you believe Paul Heyman. Cena says Lesnar will get the beating of a lifetime on Sunday. One thing Lesnar will not do is win, he says. Cena says to win Lesnar will have to make him lose and he’s not laying down for Brock Lesnar. Cena says take that how you want but he’s not laying down for Brock because Brock doesn’t deserve the title. Cena isn’t saying he’s unbeatable, because one day he will lose the title but it’s not on Sunday and it’s not to Lesnar. Cena says he doesn’t like Lesnar. He calls him an arrogant bully, the most selfish SOB to ever walk into a WWE locker room and every Superstar knows that. Cena says Lesnar has an idiotic view of this business.
Cena gets chants going, including a “you can’t wrestle” chant. Cena asks when does he stop being about the wristbands and Kmart shoes, when does he unleash hell? Cena says we’ll see a Cena he’s not proud of, one we’ve never seen before at SummerSlam. He says it’s necessary to keep the title out of Lesnar’s hands. Cena says Lesnar doesn’t deserve the title. Cena says this isn’t Lesnar’s house, this house will always belong to the fans. He says this is their house and gets a pop. Cena says if this is Lesnar’s house, then a stranger is standing in his living room. Cena takes off his titles and calls Lesnar to the ring. Cena talks trash to Lesnar as he waits for him to come to the ring. The crowd cheers and chants for Cena. Cena says he’s going to make history on Sunday and conquer The Conqueror. He will be the one that beats the one. Cena grabs his titles and yells this Sunday, the champ is here. Cena poses at the top of the stage with his titles and that’s it.
– The announcers plug the Cena vs. Lesnar WWE Network special. Still to come, Orton vs. Sheamus. We get a look back at what happened to Stephanie and Brie earlier. We see Brie Bella headed to the ring as we go to commercial.
– Back from the break and we get happy birthday messages for Hulk Hogan from Larry King and Florida Georgia Line.
Brie Bella vs. Stephanie McMahon
We go to the ring and out comes Brie Bella. Stephanie McMahon comes out next and she’s not dressed to wrestle. Stephanie says she would have loved to beat Brie tonight but they have to wait to SummerSlam after all, that is if Brie makes it to SummerSlam. We get a replay of the segment with Daniel Bryan’s physical therapist. Stephanie says Megan Miller is pressing charges on Brie for assaulting her. Police officers come over and cuff her. Brie gets read her rights and starts crying as Stephanie taunts her. Stephanie says if Brie makes bail, she’ll see her at SummerSlam. We go to commercial.
Winner: No match
– Back from the break and we get a look at what just happened to Brie.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Heath Slater
We go to the ring and out comes Dolph Ziggler. WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz is out for commentary and is standing on top of the announcers table. Heath Slater waits and they lock up to start. They trade holds and Slater takes control. Slater keeps Ziggler grounded. Ziggler fights up and out. Ziggler nails a dropkick and a big elbow drop for a 2 count. Slater rolls a distracted Ziggler up for a close 2 count. Ziggler takes back control but misses an elbow drop. Slater drops a knee for another close 2 count. Slater with a headlock now. Ziggler fights out but runs into a big kick. Slater with another 2 count. Slater with another headlock now. Ziggler fights out and nails a dropkick. Ziggler misses a splash in the corner but blocks a neckbreaker. Ziggler keeps control until The Miz tries to get involved. Ziggler chases Miz, grabs him and tosses him into the barrier. They fight up the ramp. Ziggler runs back to the ring but can’t make it in time.
Winner by Count Out: Heath Slater
– After the match, fans chant for Slater. Ziggler offers him a handshake but Slater tries to throw a kick. Ziggler catches it and nails a Zig Zag.
– The announcers plug the WWE Network some more. We see Sheamus and Orton walking backstage. Back to commercial.
Randy Orton vs. WWE United States champion Sheamus in a non-title match
Back from the break and out comes Randy Orton. WWE United States Champion Sheamus is out next for this non-title match. They lock up and go to the corner before breaking. Orton with kicks. Sheamus fights back out of the corner but Orton comes right back. Sheamus knocks Orton down coming out of the corner. Orton takes it back to the corner and works Sheamus over. Orton with a pair of clotheslines. Sheamus comes back and slams Orton. Sheamus with a big knee drop out of the corner for a 2 count. Sheamus keeps control of Orton but gets kicked in the gut. Sheamus with another knock down for a 2 count. Orton goes to the apron and Sheamus grabs him. Orton slides out and retreats to the floor as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Orton sent Sheamus into the timekeeper area during the commercial. Sheamus fights back now and sends Orton over the top rope. They fight on the floor and Orton backdrops Orton on the announce table. Orton poses over Sheamus as most fans boo. Orton brings Sheamus back in the ring for a 2 count. Sheamus comes back with a sideslam. Sheamus runs over Orton and hits a big knee lift. Sheamus with a running knee in the corner and a suplex for a 2 count. Orton blocks a move and slides out of the ring. Sheamus follows but Orton hits hum. Sheamus slams Orton into the barrier and beings him back in. Orton counters with the second rope DDT but Sheamus counters that and hits the forearm shots to the chest on the apron. Sheamus hits the rolling senton for a 2 count. Orton blocks the Irish Curse and kicks Sheamus in the face. Orton with a backbreaker of his own. Orton with the second rope draping DDT. Orton poses to another mixed reaction and wastes time. Sheamus goes to the apron and drops Orton over the top rope. Sheamus comes in with a battering ram and slams Orton for a 2 count. Orton ducks a Brogue Kick. Sheamus blocks the RKO. Sheamus goes shoulder first into the corner. Sheamus counters and pulls himself to the top. Sheamus comes off the top with a flying clothesline but Orton catches him in a nice RKO for the win.
Winner: Randy Orton
– Up next, Hulk Hogan’s birthday celebration. Back to commercial.
– Back from the break and the WWE roster is out on the stage for Hulk Hogan’s birthday celebration but before that, we get a special look at Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena at SummerSlam. We go to the ring and our MC is Mean Gene Okerlund. He’s in the ring with Jimmy Hart and the ring is done up in red & yellow. Gene introduces Hulk Hogan and out he comes to a pop. The roster applauds from the stage as Hogan makes his entrance. Gene says we’re here to celebrate the man Hulk Hogan and we’re going to do it in style. We get a video package on the big screen looking back at Hogan’s life and career from childhood until now. The video was nicely done and we come back to applause from the roster & fans. Hogan looks to be getting emotional as fans chant his name.
Hogan says it was amazing. Hogan says this is the first time he’s ever been speechless. Hogan says he can muster up something since we’re right here in Portland. Hogan gets another pop and cuts an old school “Mean Gene” promo. Hogan says even Vince McMahon gave him a birthday card. It had some money in it and guess how much? $9.99. Hogan gets in a couple Network and SummerSlam plugs. He says this has been the greatest day of his life and the best birthday ever. He thanks the crew that works so hard in the back, the Superstars, even Pat Patterson.
Hogan thanks the WWE Universe and all his Hulkamaniacs. Hogan says when you turn 61, you start to reflect on things. He says Hulkamania is a 2-way street and he hopes he’s touched lives just a little bit compared to how the fans have touched his life. Hogan says he loves his Hulkamaniacs and the WWE Universe. Ric Flair’s music hits and out he comes to celebrate. Flair gets a pop and hits the ring. The music hits next and out comes “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff, one of Hogan’s rivals from years ago. Roddy Piper’s music hits next and out he comes to a big pop. The nWo music hits next and out comes Scott Hall and Kevin Nash to a huge pop. Hall flicks his toothpick at the camera on their way to the ring. Hall takes the mic and does his “hey yo!” to a big pop. He says The Outsiders are honored to be here to show some love to Hogan on his birthday. He says Hogan looks sweet in the red & yellow. Hall wants to take a little survey. How many people at RAW came to see Hulk in the red & yellow or did we like him better in the black & white in the nWo?
The nWo gets the bigger pop. Hogan rips off his red & yellow to reveal an nWo t-shirt like Hall and Nash are wearing. Hall says one more for the good guys. Nash says he’s done a lot of things in his career but one thing he hasn’t done is this… Nash turns and leads everyone in singing Happy Birthday to Hogan. Brock Lesnar’s music interrupts and out he comes to a huge reaction. Lesnar and Heyman march to the ring as everyone looks on. Lesnar enters the ring showing no fear. The crowd boos. Lesnar looks at each Legend in the ring and comes face to face with Flair and Piper. Hogan steps forward and has a staredown with Lesnar. Heyman asks what is Hogan gonna do. Lesnar says party is over and calls Hogan grandpa. John Cena runs down and readies for a fight. Lesnar turns and they get ready to go at it. Lesnar steps to the apron and to the floor as fans boo. Lesnar’s music hits as he and Cena stare each other down. RAW goes off the air with Cena yelling at Lesnar and Lesnar yelling back that he’s a mercenary.
– The RAW Backstage Pass post-show opens with Cole informing us that Heyman and Lesnar have left the building. John Cena continues Hogan’s celebration and calls for some cake. Titus O’Neil and Heath Slater argue while bringing a cake to the ring as the Legends look on.
They ruin the cake and start arguing. Gene says that cake is toast and calls for a much bigger cake to be brought in the ring by the WWE crew. The large red and yellow cake says Happy Birthday Hulk Hogan and the candles are $9.99. Cena plugs the Network. Cena leads everyone in singing Happy Birthday to Hogan again. The roster is still out on the stage. Hogan blows out his candles and Cena tells Hogan to take us home. Hogan gets a pop for “champ” and the Legends follow Cena out of the ring. Hogan’s music hits while red & yellow confetti drops down from the rafters, causing Cole to giggle. There’s a lot of confetti and balloons dropping as RAW goes off the air.
Source: http://www.ringsidenews.com