Wrestling Globe Newsletter for 4/1


Wednesday April 1, 2009
by Mike Aldren


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3/31 ECW TV results from Dallas, TX: Mark Henry & Kane over Christian & Finlay, and Nikki Bella over Brie Bella.


Vince has lost his mind again. WWE.com posted that Vickie Guerrero is pregnant for a ‘Who’s the daddy?’ storyline with Edge, Big Show, and John Cena. It’s akin to an angle they tried twice in the late 90s with Mae Young giving birth to a hand and Terri Runnels having a miscarriage.
No real update on Tazz. He gave notice several weeks ago. After talking to a couple of people in WWE it appears virtually nobody knew about the situation. After the TV tapings late Monday night in Dallas he had a brief meeting with the McMahon’s and WWE Producer Kevin Dunn said a few goodbyes and left the building. He had been with the company just over 10 years.

Now that Tazz is gone could JBL’s history making moment at Wrestlemania be him as the first person to commentate AND wrestle at Wrestlemania?

The entire Hall of Fame ceremony on Saturday night will be streamed live from 7pm ET on WWE.com. The final hour including the Steve Austin induction will be broadcast on USA at 10pm ET.

Vince McMahon was confirmed last night during the ECW broadcast as inducting Austin.

Nothing much to the Wrestlemania press conferences yesterday in New York City and Houston. They confirmed that Sunny, Torrie Wilson, Molly Holly, Jackie Gayda-Haas and Victoria would be participating in the Divas Battle Royal. Assuming Candice is still injured and Santino is going in that would leave a couple of spots open. I personally suspect Mae Young and Lilian Garcia.

Trish Stratus is rumored among celebrities for ABC’s upcoming show Dancing on Ice. The celebrities are expected to be confirmed later today. If the rumor is true it’s unlikely she will be bumping around in a wrestling ring at Wrestlemania.

WWE.com at http://tinyurl.com/cbc5cd has highlights from the Wrestlemania press conference in New York City.

There is a story on the Houston Wrestlemania press conference at
http://tinyurl.com/ck4h84 with CM Punk looking very awkward in a cowboy hat.

The Houston Chronicle today at http://tinyurl.com/c48b8m has a cover story on Wrestlemania.

Victoria in her blog said Wrestlwmania will be final match: “For those of you who follow my blogs, I try not to let the cat out of the bag when it comes to WWE. So I did not mention to anyone that I was asked to participate in Wrestlemania XXV. But since is was announced at a WWE press conference, I suppose that there is no harm in confirming it. I will be there. I will participate. I will kick Diva booty… and I still may have a small suprise up my sleeve. It’s a big deal to me. When I left WWE, I was of the mindset that I would never wrestle again. I’ve done some guest appearances, but no actual wrestling. So this will be my last hurrah.” She also noted she is in Nashville today for UFC’s Fight Night special.

Raw on Monday night did a 3.6 rating averaging 5.2 million viewers.

Randy Orton turns 29 today.

How times change. Nine years ago today Eddie Guerrero wrestled Andrew “Test” Martin for the WWF European title.

There is a live webchat with John Cena this afternoon at http://tinyurl.com/d6zt4o

WWE is going after fan websites again after mailing out several cease and desist letters in the past couple of days. http://beth-phoenix.org was one such site. They are basically targeting sites which are illegally uploading their Diva photographs.

Royal Flush Magazine at http://tinyurl.com/cq3dqh has a story on the Wrestlemania art auction which takes place tonight in Houston. They have interviews up with Jeff Hardy and Beth Phoenix, who talks about being able to bench press more than Santino.

There is talk of Angela Fong from developmental being brought up after Wrestlemania to manage Cryme Tyme. Fong is a 24-year-old Canadian Bikini model Johnny Ace signed last year.

Kofi Kingston and Maria are signing autographs on Thursday from 6pm at HEB in Pearland, TX.

John Morrison, The Miz and Maryse are signing autographs on Friday from 6pm at Best Buy in Pasadena, TX.

Mick Foley was announced on the TNA website as wrestling this weekend at
house shows. He will be working tag matches with Jeff Jarrett vs. Beer
Money, Inc.

IGN has a review up on the new TNA iPhone game at

Traci Brooks at http://tinyurl.com/csb6og blogged about returning home
after visiting troops in the middle east. She said her breasts will be
okay following the machine gun incident.

Pat Kenney (Simon Diamond) has filed a sex abuse lawsuit against his
former teacher and priest at Wilmington’s Salesianum High School.
Kenney, along with many others, has come forward accusing Rev. Dennis
Killion of the alleged abuse which occurred, according to the suit,
between 1983 and 1987. “Pat has a goal,” said his attorney, J. Michael
Reck of Manly & Stewart of New York. “He wants to make sure that what
happened to him never happens to another child. Pat spent an entire
career being strong and ignoring the effects of his abuse. Now, he
realizes that the best work he can do will be to keep kids safe, urge
them to report abuse, and hold abusers and their protectors
accountable.” Killion was removed from his most recent ministry post
last year after former pupils started to come forward.

There is a new Wrestlicious demo reel at http://tinyurl.com/cm9hw2
featuring Jimmy Hart, Brian Knobs and Greg Valentine. For those that
asked they guy responsible for the jingle is Steve Blance; former
G.L.O.W. producer and now head writer of the Wrestlicious project.

www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/oww/radio/ has new interviews up with
Bruno “Harvey Wippleman” Lauer, Dory Funk Jr., and Debra Marshall.

Matt “Spike Dudley” Hyson have been added to Booker T’s Legends of
Wrestling fanfest this weekend in Houston.

Globe reader Bill Brackett sent in the following: “I was at a wrestling
event for the BTW in Webster, MA and I just wanted to pass along some
info for you guys. First of which is that what ever rift there was with
The Honky Tonk Man and Greg Valentine seems to be all smoothed out. They
were sitting at a table side-by-side signing autographs and seemed
pretty friendly with each other. I got to talk to them both and I have
to say that they were very nice guys. Now for the main reason that I
went. Ric Flair was there. He signed autographs for those who bought the
ticket for them. I got a chance to talk to him and asked if he would
mind taking a picture with my little sister. Before he had a chance to
answer, the guy that was in charge of moving the line along said ‘no
he’s all done doing pictures for the day.’ Which caused Flair to look at
him and say ‘who the hell do you think you are to talk for me?’ He then
proceeded to not only take the picture but made him take it. I know it
has been said before but Ric Flair is an absolute class act.”

Jake Roberts and former WCW wrestler Glacier headlines for Vintage
Wrestling on 4/18 at the Salvation Army Gym in Sanford, FL. More info at
www.vintagewrestling.com including a great promo by Roberts for his

Former WWE wrestler Aaron Aguilera (the guy who stabbed John Cena so he
could shoot The Marine in Australia a couple years back) appears in an
episode of CSI on CBS on Thursday night.

HDNet at press time is still broadcasting on Time Warner Cable. Andrew
Simon of HDNet said the company hopes to agree a new deal but encouraged
viewers to contact their carrier and ask them to keep HDNet.

Super Crazy will be part lucha libre event at the Primm Valley Resort &
Casino in Primm, NV on 4/19.

Ultimo Guerrero has opened up a fast food store in Apatlaco, Mexico.

On this day in wrestling history:

* 1989 – Master of Pain defeated Jerry Lawler for the USWA title
* 1990 – The Ultimate Warrior defeated Hulk Hogan for the WWF title
* 1990 – Demolition defeated Andre the Giant & Haku for the WWF tag
* 1994 – The Rock n’ Roll Express defeated the Heavenly Bodies for the
Smokey Mountain tag titles
* 1996 – Goldust defeated Savio Vega for the WWF Intercontinental title
* 2001 – Steve Austin defeated The Rock for the WWF title
* 2001 – Chyna defeated Ivory for the WWF Women’s title

WG Diva of the Day — Candice Michelle — http://tinyurl.com/c769m9



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