Dr. Keith Lipinski interviews Ryan Braddock

– Dr. Keith Show Recap –
Ryan Braddock/Jay Bradley formally of the WWE.

Recap by Brian Cooper of www.bigvanvader.com

Dr. Keith welcomes back, for the first time, Ryan Braddock or Jay Bradley to the Dr. Keith Show. Bradley talks about starting out at age 16 with Steel Domain Wrestling. Bradley says how cool it was to be a wrestling fan. Jay talks about names from SDW including CM Punk, Colt Cabana, Adam Pearce and himself with the later success they had, future endeavours aside.


Wikipedia questions ahoy with overactive thryoids with his tendency to sleep in the back but sadly not during any wrestling matches. The good doctor asks about a portrait of a perfect penis drawn on the face of a sleeping Brad Bradley. Good times! Keith brings up the time when Bradley perfectly spat into his mouth while Keith and his friend Tom were heckling Bradley at an IWA-MS show. Keith sadly neglects to describe the flavour of Bradley’s saliva. Jay talks working the New Japan dojo in Santa Monica, CA and receiving the phone call from Tommy Dreamer to work dark matches and developmental.


Bradley was supposed to work a dark match the night Eddy Guerrero was found dead but when he got to the arena – Ken Anderson (Kennedy) broke the news to Brad. Dark match opportunities arose again with Bradley facing the glorious team of Val Venis and Viscera. John Laurinaitis then asked Bradley to work Smackdown. Bradley talks about being shit scared and almost messing up his opportunity. Jay’s agents of choice were Arn Anderson and Fit Finlay and what advice was given was discussed.


Deep South jollities are next on the list. Bradley thought ‘Oh my God’ when he was sent to Georgia. Bradley discusses the promotions injuries and how brutal training with Bill “Hugh Morris” DeMott was like. Bradley adds how dregneck the redneck area of McDonough was. Jay puts over Dave Taylor as one of the few highlights of his time in DSW and being in awe of Tom Prichard and William Regal rolling around.


Bradley discusses the rumour of being JBL’s storyline nephew and why he thinks it didn’t happen. The firing of DeMott is discussed and the new found positively that followed with the addition of Prichard and Brad Armstrong to the list of trainers. Bradley attributes the death of Deep South to awful business decisions and complains from the wrestlers on the camp. Bradley says it was a love and hate relationship he had with DeMott saying it was brutal and ‘ridiculous at times’ but he did become a better worker because of it. Keith asks about how often WWE agents came to say ‘Hi, how’s you?’. Keith then asks about the day when WWE finally terminated its relationship with DSW and how they were told.


Jay describes the difference with Ohio Valley to Deep South as ‘night and day’. It didn’t take long into OVW talk before the doctor brings up Vladimir Kozlov. Bradley had no idea when WWE severed ties with OVW. Jay describes the decision as ‘weird’. After being sent to back south to Tampa; Bradley was told he was to be sent up to the fed after Wrestlemania in a tag team with Afa Anoia Jr. before Afa got suspended for wellness issues. Bradley puts over his team with Mike Mondo which was unfortunately shelved due to Mondo’s firing over a DUI. Jay says what it was like being trained by Dusty Rhodes. Jay then received a call from WWE to start with either HHH or Big Show.


Jay got to the building and was told by HHH that plans had changed and he was working with Big Show with Show knocking out Bradley to build for Mayweather. Bradley then goes on to list the plans WWE had for him and how plans quickly changed with skits being cut from Smackdown and the team with Bam Neely being disbanded. Bradley recalls being pulled into Vince McMahon’s office with Vince saying putting over his work but needed to change his look and his hair. Jay enjoyed working Europe which sadly was almost the final countdown for him. The Elvis character was bought up again with Jay saying the creative team had no ideas for it, and the boys started calling him “Elvis” after the Vince suggested haircut.


Bradley then discusses the recent character of sitting at ringside with his laptop and the return to FCW before his subsequent release. Bradley talks about the future endeavour phonecall and that he can work independents and international but not TNA or ROH. Over ninety minutes of recent release goodness. Find more of Bradley at http://www.myspace.com/bradjay and here more of Bradley in future weeks including Vince hair questions. Keith finishes by saying the interview lasted longer than his entire television career timesed by twenty eight!