Former Diva Amy Weber interview recap

Interview Recap – Amy Weber
By Andrew Pritchard
Amy Weber appeared on In Your Head this week on March 19, 2009 to promote her upcoming DVD Amy Vs Joy which will be taking place on April 10, 2009 (at Jack, Barbie Richards and Oneinchbiceps conducted the interview at .

Jack asked Amy Weber if she was looking forward to getting her hands on Joy Giovanni. “I cannot wait to get my hands on this girl.” “The thing that always bothered me was that Joy was always running her mouth and relying on her looks, in tiny little outfits.”

Jack asked Amy why she has so much heat on Joy. “If I don’t like somebody I’m not going to pretend I like them.” “It just seemed like she was always walking around in those heels, and it just bugged the shit out of me.”

A caller asked how working in JBL’s cabinet came about. “I got a call from Johnny Ace who’s the head of Talent Relations over at the WWE after the Diva Search was over.” “Luckily I was given the opportunity to work with the champion of the show at that time.” “The whole Cabinet had nothing but respect for me.”

Jack asked if being apart of the Diva Search made other wrestlers treat her differently. “Absolutely, They had every right to treat us differently.”

Amy was asked if anything stuck out to her in the Diva Search. “It was great having to work with The Rock and having to eat Pie.” “I think everyone says they wish they would have smeared pie on The Rock and licked it off.”

Amy was asked by Jack how being a Heel was. “It honestly really is fantastic.” “I always loved playing the bad girl than the girl next door.” “For me its more interesting playing bad.”

These are just highlights please head on over to to hear the full 30 Minutes interview, upcoming guests include Dory Funk Jr. on March 26, 2009, “The Master and Ruler of the World” Sid Vicious returns to In Your Head on April 1, 2009, followed by Alex “The Pug” Porteau on April 15, 2009, other upcoming guests includes TNA’s Big Fat Oily Guy, Ricky Steamboat’s son Richie Steamboat, Rock Riddle, and stay tuned for the International Indy Night, please stay tuned to for all the upcoming details on forthcoming guests. You can also check out In Your Head’s 4 Year Archive at which includes guests such as Chris Jericho, Mick Foley and many more. Don’t forget you can also leave questions for upcoming guests on the Official In Your Head Message Board at and you can also subscribe to the latest In Your Head Podcasts at