Hoosier Pro Wrestling (Indiana) on 9/01/07

DicemanHoosier Pro wrestling returns to the air condtioned HPW Arena at the 4-H Fairgrounds in Columbus, IN Saturday Sept.1st at 7:45pm with 7 big matches.

HPW Wrestling
Sept. 1st, 2007
Columbus, IN
Belltime 7:45PM Open doors at 6:45PM
Tickets $10 adults, $8 kids 10 & under 3 & under free

September Sizzle

Last Man Standing Match
Diceman Ronnie Vegas vs Pastor Pain

HPW Tag Title Match
Ox Harley & Cousin Cooter vs Zodiac & Grappler

HPW Cruiserweight Title Match
Donny Idol vs Winner of Battle Royal

Brother vs Brother
Troy Van Zant vs Tom Van Zant

Cowboy Mark Houston Debuts

Cruiserweight Battle royal

Plus much more action

Info hpw13@mail.com

website http://hoosierprowrestling.bravehost.com/

HPW Returns Saturday October 6th

Thanks for all your help!
Jerry Wilson
HPW Promoter