Mean Gene Okerlund to moderate a Q&A panel with Hulk Hogan and “Rowdy” Roddy Piper

okerlundMEAN GENE OKERLUND will be moderating the MAD MONSTER PARTY 2014! Q&A Panel with Hot Rod “Rowdy” Roddy Piper and Hulk Hogan. As we approach the 30th, hear from the two legends of the ring whose feud launched WRESTLEMANIA!

Mean Gene will only be moderating on Sunday March 23, 2014 in Charlotte, NC, but he is NOT scheduled to sign or do photo ops. We fought hard to get him to moderate this epic and historic event and he graciously worked with us to make it happen. This panel is part of our Sunday programming and DOES NOT require an additional ticket. There is LIMITED SEATING and his first come-first serve (unless you are an R.I.P. or Hulkamania Package ticket holder).

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