WWNLive Alerts – February 16, 2014 edition

WWNWe are back with a packed WWNLive Alerts as we get ready for the return of DGUSA
in one week. We have news on the upcoming DGUSA events, SHINE, WWNLive Experience, a new Weekly Special and more. Let’s get to it….

Tickets for DGUSA on February 22nd in Queens, NY and February 23rd in Brooklyn, NY are now on sale in the DGUSA.tv store. You can pre-order the HD iPPVs of these events now at WWNLive.com. February 22nd will be live to VOD and February 23rd will be a live iPPV.

Details will become clear about the DGUSA and EVOLVE shows at the
WWNLive Experience on April 3rd-5th in New Orleans after the next DGUSA weekend.
We are getting questions about The Wrestling Odyssey card, which will take place
on April 4th with a special 3pm belltime. We can confirm now that this card will
feature an EVOLVE Title defense, a SHINE Title defense and a FIP Title defense.

John Morrison vs. Akira Tozawa! Young Bucks vs. Sami Callihan & Arik Cannon! Johnny
Gargano & Rich Swann vs. Jimmy Susumu & Ryo Saito! Samuray Del Sol vs. EITA! AR
Fox vs. Chuck Taylor vs. Jon Davis! More! DGUSA Open The Golden Gate DVD!

If you live in the Northeast, you are probably snowed in. We have a new Weekly Special to help you pass the time. Last month’s EVOLVE iPPVs at WWNLive.com are just $10 each for the first time ever. When you buy these iPPVs, you get unlimited access. These are the first WWNLive iPPVs in HD and each card earned great reviews.

Here’s the skinny:

The much talked about five match card with each bout being killer including AR Fox
vs. Davey Richards for the EVOLVE Title, Chris Hero starts his gauntlet series vs.
Ricochet and Trent Baretta vs. Anthony Nese plus much more!

Johnny Gargano & Jon Davis vs. AR Fox & Uhaa Nation in a spectacular tag team match,
Trent Baretta vs. Ricochet in a classic and Chris Hero continues the gauntlet series
against Anthony Nese plus other must see matches!

Johnny Gargano faces one of his toughest title defenses yet against Uhaa Nation,
The Young Bucks and Bravado Brothers collide in a violent brawl and Chris Hero
finishes his gauntlet series against Chuck Taylor plus a full card of action!

Act now, this offer at WWNLive.com On Demand ends at midnight EST. this Monday!
February 14th: SHINE will make history again two weeks from tonight when it crowns
its first tag team champions at SHINE 17. The eight team field for the one night
tournament has been announced. Check out this lineup:

Representing VALKYRIE – Made in Sin of Alliysin Kay & Taylor Made with April Hunter
The S-N-S Express of Sassy Stephie & Jessie Belle Smothers with Nevaeh
The West Coast Connection of Tracy Taylor & Su Yung
Lucha Sisters of Leva & Mia Yim
Malia Hosaka & Brandi Wine
Representing Daff’s A.S.S. – The Buddy System of Heidi Lovelace & Solo Darling
with Daffney
Kimber Bomb of Kimber Lee & Cherry Bomb
MsEERIE of MsChif & Christina Von Eerie

Plus check out these non-tournament main events:
SHINE Championship Match
Ivelisse defends vs. Mercedes Martinez
Serena Deeb of VALKYRIE w/ April Hunter vs. Angelina Love
Who do you think will win the titles? Tweet your answer using hashtag #SHINE17.

Go to www.SHINEwrestling.com to get tickets to this show in Ybor City, FL. If you can’t be there in person, pre-order the live iPPV at www.WWNLive.com and save $5 (price goes up on the day of show). Witness this historic women’s wrestling card!

Book It Cam: AR Fox Talks About Gulak & Hero

Here’s the lineups for DGUSA in NYC next weekend. We’ll have the complete cards announced next week.

Dragon Gate USA presents
REVOLT! 2014
Saturday, February 22nd
Belltime – 8PM EST
Queensboro Elk’s Lodge
8220 Queens Blvd.
Elmhurst, NY 11373

Open The Freedom Gate Title

Johnny Gargano defends vs. CIMA

Style Battle Winners Collide!

AR Fox vs. Drew Gulak

The Rematch

Rich Swann vs. Trent Baretta

Special Challenge Match

Anthony Nese vs. Biff Busick

SHINE Showcase Match – Non-Title

SHINE Champion Ivelisse vs. Su Yung

Plus more to be announced with:

-Open The United Gate Champions The Bravado Brothers

-Ryo Saito
-Chuck Taylor
-Caleb Konley
-Shane Strickland

-Plus more to be announced!

Dragon Gate USA presents

Way of the Ronin 2014
Sunday, February 23rd
Belltime – 7PM EST
Brooklyn Lyceum
227 4th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11215

Open The Freedom Gate Title Match
Johnny Gargano/CIMA Winner On 2/22 defends vs. Roderick Strong

EVOLVE Title Match
AR Fox defends vs. Chris Hero

Grudge Match
Fire Ant vs. Jigsaw

Special Challenge Match

Johnny Gargano/CIMA Loser On 2/22 vs. Member Of Premier Athlete Brand

Plus more featuring:

-Open The United Gate Champions The Bravado Brothers

-SHINE Champion Ivelisse
-Rich Swann

-Ryo Saito
-The Premier Athlete Brand Of Anthony Nese & Trent Baretta with Su Yung & Mr. A
-2013 Style Battle Winner Drew Gulak
-Chuck Taylor
-Caleb Konley
-Shane Strickland
-Biff Busick

-Plus more to be announced!

We hope you have a great day and we’ll be back with lots of news in next week’s WWNLive Alerts.