“Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff appears on “Under the Mat Radio” and talks about today’s wrestling product

orndorff“Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff stopped by Under the Mat Radio to discuss his feelings on a few topics such as who were real tough guys in the business, his Hall of Fame Induction, his feelings about Vince, what drove him to wrestle and so much more! You can listen to the full interview below; here are some of the highlights:

Paul on the wrestling product today:

“I don’t watch it; I haven’t watched it in over 20 years you know why… Because it’s the only show in town, that’s why I don’t watch it anymore, that’s why no one watches it anymore because of the people running it and it’s no talent like it used to. It’s no more places for them to go, nowhere for them to learn”

Paul on what got him into the wrestling business:

“I was drafted by the New Orleans Saints and quite frankly I got worn out playing football, I got tired of it. With wrestling there were so many variables that could go with it so many directions you could go. Every night it was different every night it was a different town 7 nights a week and twice on Sunday.”

Paul on working in Japan:

“Yeah it’s different there; they are so used to going out there and going at it. That’s why I like it over there because of my style. I can go any style hook up, lock up, take you down, and do all kinds of amateur moves.

Paul also discusses his true thoughts on Vince, his feelings on Hogan, who in WCW he liked to go hunting with, Wrestlemania 1 main event and much more in this exclusive 60-minute plus interview on Under the Mat Radio.


Under the Mat Radio in Baltimore, MD airs live every Tuesday 6pm-8pm(EST) on blogtalkradio,com/peoplewhoknowgoodwrestling and also on www.pwkgw.com