FSPW Results from Florida on 8/04/07

On Saturday August 4th Fighting Spirit Pro Wrestling returned to Gallery Billiards of Sarasota, FL.

FSPW Owner Damien Christopher opened the evening by stripping FSPW Florida champion VA Hampton of the title after failing to appear for two consecutive defenses against Bonez the Cutthroat. This brought BoneZ to the ring who felt he should be crowned champion on the spot. DC felt otherwise and announced on October 20th FSPW would hold a one night tournament to crown a new champion and would hold qualfier matches on the September 8th show. Both men seemed to come to an agreement that Bonez would be involved in the tournament but BoneZ insisted if he defeated anyone in the locker room he should receive a bye to the finals. DC agreed and Bonez got ready for competition.

(1) Bonez the Cutthroat defeated El Jugador of La Familia Latina.

FSPW Heavyweight champion “the Prodigy” Jason Sensation came out to tell Damien Christopher he would defend the title against Ray Beez & Ricky Romeo but refused to allow the HARDCORE stipulation to stand. DC told him either he wrestle or join VA Hampton on the unemployment line. Not to be outdone, BoneZ came out and demanded another match later in the evening.

(2) In the first ever ladies match in FSPW history, Jelena of FXE defeated Arsen of the Fed Up North (w/John Q.)

(3) In a handicap match Fed Up North members James “Don’t Call Me John” Morrison, Mark Zout and Lou Cypher w/John Q)defeated Jerome Hendriz & Pretty Fly as Torcher was unable to appear due to what the FUN called “car trouble.”

(4) Myles Long & “Irish Destroyer” Heater fought the CIA (Son Of Sicily & Stone Cates w/James T Micco) when referee Diaz Mascaras felt he lost control of the match when SOS and Heater got into a shoot fight.

Damien Christopher brought La Familia Latina member “Hardcore Conquistador” Tony to the ring so he could announce Tony would be in the FSPW Florida title tournament. Tony thanked DC for the chance and promised if he won the title he wouldn’t duck challengers like FSPW Heavyweight champion Jason Sensation. That didn’t sit well and Sensation came out and attacked Tony who had to recover for his return match with the FSPW Tag Team champions.

(5) George Rodriguez defeated BoneZ the Cutthroat.

After the match BoneZ complained he never wanted to face someone like Rodriguez, he wanted a “lame FXE trained wrestler” he could demolish. Little did Bonez know that the head trainer of FXE, AJ Gallant, was sitting ringside. He got into the ring and both men challenged the other to a match.

(6) AJ Gallant defeated BoneZ the Cutthroat with a DDT.

(7) FSPW Tag Team champions Barney Rumble & Deathrow Jethro defeated La Familia Latina member “Hardcore Conquistador” Tony and Austin Avalon. Thanks to a “cousin” of Rumble’s who works for INS, Tito Cartel was being held for deportation. After their victory, Rumble and Deathrow decimated their opponents with several chairshots.

“Latin Sensation” Ricky Romeo came to the ring for the main event but he came in street clothes. Romeo’s right arm was in a brace and sling and he told the fans he was in a car accident that left him with several fractures. He would be unable to compete in the main event and would have to step away from wrestling. But Damien Christopher talked him into being an outside referee in the HARDCORE match.

(8)In the most shocking moment in FSPW history, “Latin Sensation” Ricky Romeo defeated Ray Beez and “the Prodigy” Jason Sensation to become the new FSPW Heavyweight champion when he laid out Beez as referee Diaz Mascaras was knocked out. No one is sure how Romeo became champion and if Damien Christopher will allow the decision to stand after reviewing the entire situation on video Monday morning.

by Alan Wojcik of www.alanwojcik.com