presents: Wrestlemania 30 for 30 – Wrestlemania X-8 (phase A)

30for30Hulkamania will clearly never die as 30 for 30 is back with PHASE A of our look at Wrestlemania X-8. Join us as we revisit the beginning of the collapse of the wrestling business and the end of the boom period.

With Phase A, we will educate you and give you all of the TRUE answers youve been waiting for, as we talk about the absolute failure that was the WCW Invasion and what could’ve been, the creative chaos of late 2001, the 9/11 Smackdown, hardcore vs. casual fans, the most bizarre reboot show in wrestling, the arrival of the NWO into the WWF and MUCH MORE~! Download this with RUTHLESS AGGRESSION!!

Listen to the podcast here: