Review of the November 20, 2013 edition of WWE Main Event

Main Event 2Tamina Snuka defeated Naomi
Isn’t main events concept that they build up the first match and it’s supposed to be a big deal. HAHA Vince McMahon thinking when he makes this match. Look I get their trying to do everything in their power to get Total Divas out there to their fans but come on did this really have to open the show. Where is the “it factor” of a show when you have a Divas match to start the show. A standard match but nothing to go out of your way to see.

Alberto Del Rio defeated Santino Marella
Talk about start power, now I would have preferred to see this match over the divas match to start the show. I like that they had a “Top Guy” on this show but in the middle of the card doesn’t make it stand out as much as it could have. He got a quick squash match and show cased the aggressive side that WWE keeps showing over and over again. We get it, he has an anger issue. This is an enhancement match gets Del Rio looking like a serious threat to John Cena this Sunday.

Fandango defeated Kofi Kingston after The Miz came out and distracted Kofi.
A nice match to end the show on. It makes sense for Miz to cost Kingston the match and adds some fuel to the fire for their match at Survivor Series. I don’t think this boost Fandango with this cheap win but hey its one in the win column. It’s a fun match to watch and if you’re a Miz fan then go out of your way to see this match.

Overall Rating: This edition felt like a throw together show that didn’t have much meaning. From the start of the show they did included some build to Survivor Series which I liked but at the end of the day it was just another episode that got farther away from its concept.

— Andy

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