PCW (Texas) Full Throttle Results from 7/28/07



James Johnson beat Jerome Daniels
Canyon beat Spoiler 2000
Nobe Bryant beat Robert Evans
Brandon Collins beat Diamond Dave to retain the PCW Cruiserweight Title
Angel Of Sinn beat Aaron Eagle Action Jackson beat Franco D’Angelo


The following, except for the dark matches, was taped for airing in the Dallas-Fort Worth area on the Lone Star Channel, as well as worldwide distribution via SmartVideo and release on DVD, with Ring Announcer Travis Baxter, TV Commentators Rob Moore and Attorney-At-Law Paul Lewis and one of the PCW Knockouts.

“JIGGLE-O” JAMES JOHNSON beat “FLAWLESS” JEROME DANIELS by pinfall with the O-Face (Flying stunner off the top rope)

“The HARDCORE ICON” CANYON (w/ Thomas, Chris & Larry Bussey) beat SPOILER 2000 by pinfall with The Drop (TKO) –The Busseys declared before and after the match that their friend’s name was Canyon Bussey. The brothers interfered several times, attacking the masked man while having Referee Jamie Oller’s attention diverted, and this led to the brawler from Tampa dropping Spoiler for the win.

Action Jackson came out, his broken right arm heavily taped and splinted, and said he wanted the Faithful but was ready to kick anybody’s ***, including his opponent for the night, Franco D’Angelo of the Dark Circle.

Nobe Bryant came out and said that he would be a team captain for the upcoming Fight-Win-Survive (unconfirmed), and he would be the one to, in the finals inside a steel cage, climb the ladder and claim the belt to become a two-time PCW World Heavyweight Champion. Robert Evans came out and questioned Bryant’s ability to hold onto the belt for any length of time. A fight started, and the next match was underway.

“The REAL DEAL” NOBE BRYANT beat “The ESSENCE OF EXCELLENCE” ROBERT EVANS by pinfall with the Real Deal (Axe kick) –Very heated battle, with Bryant seeming more focused than usual. Evans had Bryant down and went for the Alpha Flight Headbutt, but Bryant got both feet up and caught Evans flush in the face. Bryant got to his feet, came off the ropes and, with a 180 spinaround, hit the Real Deal to get the pin on Evans.

PCW Owners Thomas & Chris Bussey and their personal assistant and brother, Larry Bussey, came out to talk about the upcoming Fight-Win-Survive. They confirmed that, once again, FWS will consist of four teams of wrestlers involved in stipulation matches, with the two teams with the most wins entering the steel cage in the finals. This year, the vacant PCW World Heavyweight Title will be at stake, with the belt hanging from the ceiling and one wrestler climbing the ladder to grab the belt and become the new champion. Thomas then went on a tirade about how the fans should respect everyone in PCW from the concession stand workers to Travis Baxter, somehow making no mention of the TV announcing team.

Champion “The EXPERT” BRANDON COLLINS beat “DYNAMIC” DIAMOND DAVE by submission with the Texas Cloverleaf variation/Bodyscissors combination to retain the belt –The high-flying Dave used a fantastic aerial attack, while Collins did his best to keep the action more grounded. At one point, Collins went for his big aerial move, the Springboard 450 Splash, but Dave got out of the way.
Dave went for his Shooting Star Legdrop, but Collins moved out of the way just in time. Collins took advantage and clamped on the Cloverleaf/Bodyscissors combination, forcing Dave to tap out. The two men shook hands after the match in a show of mutual respect.

Franco D’Angelo came out and noted that half the fans were cheering for him, possibly because they don’t like the Faithful, and half the fans were cheering for the “washed-up Texas Legend,” Action Jackson. He also reminded fans of his performance in last year’s Fight-Win-Survive and said that he should win the PCW World Heavyweight belt to go with Dark Circle partners Apocalypse & Tim Storm’s PCW World Tag Team belts.

ANGEL OF SINN (w/ “Angel Of Mercy” Claudia) beat “The SUCCESS STORY IN THE MAKING” AARON EAGLE by pinfall with an inverted backbreaker drop –Eagle fought valiantly against the representative of Mike Foxx’s Faithful, but Sinn, coupled with Claudia, was too much, especially when Claudia blew the “Kiss Of Death,” the mysterious red mist, into Eagle’s face, and Sinn snatched him up in an inverted backbreaker and moved directly into a sitout drop for the win.

“The TEXAS LEGEND” ACTION JACKSON beat “The BEAST” FRANCO D’ANGELO by pinfall with the Big Booyah (Rock Bottom) –D’Angelo went after Jackson’s injured right arm, but Jackson fought off the pain and fought off D’Angelo, overcoming the power of the newest Dark Circle member with an attack from the streets of Texarkana and finishing him off with the Booyah for the pin.

PCW Full Throttle’s next show will be on Saturday, August 4 at PCW Arena.
Bell time is 8 p.m.

PCW will be a part of Ed & Betty Pariso’s 14th Annual Sports & Fitness Weekend August 10 & 11, 2007 at the Dallas Convention Center. Visit www.supershowexpo.com for more information.

Visit www.thelonestarchannel.com for information on how you can see PCW on TV every week.

Visit www.smartvideo.com for more information on how you can view PCW action worldwide 24 hours a day via your cell phone, PDA or Internet.

Visit www.pcwwrestling.com for more information about PCW, including upcoming shows, bios, photos, columns, Match of the Week and Move of the Week videos, and merchandise, including DVD’s and VHS tapes of past PCW shows, including major show DVD’s and videos featuring nationally known talent that have either passed through PCW or been part of the PCW talent roster, including some who are currently with either WWE or TNA. DVD’s of PCW’s weekly television show are available at the arena and through PCW’s website.

Submitted by ROB MOORE, The Voice of PCW

The voice of PCW …  http://www.pcwwrestling.com My MySpace site … http://www.myspace.com/robmooretexas
Percival A. Friend’s site … http://www.geocities.com/percivalafriend