ECWA November 2 results and news on the Toys for Tots show featuring WWE Hall of Famer JJ Dillon on December 2

DillonECWA presented ‘4 Ever II’ on Saturday November 2, 2013. There was exciting brawls, new champions being crowned, a legendary figure looming, and women cat fighting all over the ring!

Here are the results from ECWA ‘4 Ever II’ 11-2-13:

Kid USA defeats The Big Gus Man(Gus Grand) via a Rock Bottom– It’s become a trademark of Gus Grand to come dressed as legendary figures from pro wrestling’s history. This month he came as legend The Big Boss Man. He came out ready to fight doing Boss Man’s trademark jabs in the corner and numerous hard Irish whips. but all Kid USA had to do was weather the storm as the hapless Big Gus Man fell victim to Kid USA and a rock bottom.

‘Vietnam Phenom’ Matt Saigon defeats ‘True Talent’ Bobby Shields via Saigon Special DDT to take a 2-1 lead in the Golden Opportunity Best of 5 Series- What turned out to be an instant classic was fought valiantly by both men. Shields came out firing with numerous chops, flying kicks, and slams. Saigon looked almost taken aback by this brutal turn by Shields. The tide turned when Shields went for it all with an outside dive and Saigon would hit a jumping kick to the head as Shields fly through the ropes. The ‘Vietnam Phenom’ would capitalize and attack the head. Running knees in the corner and a brain buster suplex looked to permanently down Shields. The fans would will back Shields who went ballistic hitting a running kick, a German suplex, and a super kick to make a pinfall but to no avail. He even hit a ‘Body Bomb’ that looked to finally do it but Matt Saigon would not be denied this night. Going right back to the head Saigon would punch and kick to daze Shields before hitting a flipping top rope power bomb. A super kick of his own would end Shields as Saigon hit his deadly ‘Saigon Special DDT’ for the 1 ..2..3.

Elimination Match-Legion of Destruction(Ahtu, Napalm Bomb, Solo, Phil Sly)w/ Joel Blackhart defeats Breaker Morant, Apollyon, and ECWA tag champions D-Line(Body snatcher and Black Ice)- This ended up being a brawl more than a wrestling match. Ahtu would start with Black Ice. Back and forth both men right off the bat hit powerful chops and clobbering blows to the back and head. Ahtu would get the best of it with a thunderous power slam. Black Ice would will himself back and eventually clothesline Ahtu over the top rope along with himself! With both men out cold neither could answer the count and were counted out and eliminated. These drew all the men… well minus the cowardly Phil Sly… in a huge brawl all over the ring and floor! Punch after punch. Kick after kick neither side looked to gain the advantage. Referee John Finegan struggled to gain control and get the legal men back into the ring. Napalm Bomb, one of the few men not brawling on the floor, would execute a spectacular dive over the rope onto the men on the floor! The fans went crazy… then the over 350 pound Apollyon jumped into the ring and went to mimic the Bomb with a jump of his own! Jumping through the middle rope all 7 men were down for the count. Finally gaining control Body snatcher would take up the fight for his partner against Solo. Solo would prove too much with his power. He would deliver a devastating slam that easily pinned one half of the tag champs. But the LOD wasn’t ready for the monster Apollyon. He devastated Solo with an amazing array of powerful blows. But the craziness confused everyone and Solo would eliminate Apollyon with a roll up. Solo celebrated but shouldn’t have because as soon as he turned around Breaker was ready delivering his F-5 fall away slam. And then there were 2. Napalm Bomb immediately jumped Morant, making sure he couldn’t make a comeback. The Bomb climbed to the top rope and hit a huge Swanton Bomb. Phil Sly tagged himself in and slithered into the ring to make the pinfall on Breaker.

*Breaker Morant would get up and challenge the LOD and the tag champions to a match on December 7. Wrestling is a business after all and friendship aside he was hungry for gold. He offered a Triple Threat Tag Team Title match. The ECWA tag team champions D-Line vs. the LOD vs. Breaker Morant/Apollyon! Both teams would accept the offer.

Meisure Ooh La La defeats Little Mikey w/Mike Tartaglia via a Stunner- It’s no secret there is no love lost between Meisure Ooh La La and Team Tartaglia. Numerous times the bumbling Frenchmen turned away the attacks of both ’The Boss’ himself and his cohort and nephew Little Mikey. So when Ooh La La went looking for a fight for ‘4 Ever II’ Mikey couldn’t resist one last attempt at ruining the night. It started off typically as Mikey tried to overpower the older Ooh La La with kicks and slams. With a little help from his uncle, it seemed finally after all this time he would get the last laugh. But you can’t ever count out the icon that is Meisure Ooh La La. When ‘The Boss’ went to slap the incapacitated Meisure he accidentally slapped Mikey in the face! Arguing instead of following up, Mikey turned around into a boot and a stunner for the 123 just like that!

‘Heartkiller’ Chris Wylde & ECWA Women’s champ Jessie Kaye defeats ECWA Mid Atlantic Champ Ricky ‘The Model’ Martinez & Renee Michelle via a Frog Splash– This feud has perhaps reached it’s climax as the personal bad blood between Wylde and Martinez continued. Starting off the match Kaye and Michelle would exchange verbal blows before Kaye would shut up Michelle. Kaye would dazzle the fans with a display of technical wrestling not usual seen in women’s wrestling. The fan cheered on Kaye as she easily got the better of Renee Michelle. Michelle would quickly tag out to Martinez with him saying he wanted Wylde. Kaye refused! It was champ vs. champ as Kaye refused to back down Ricky Martinez. It seemed he was the goat in this situation as the smaller Jessie Kaye reversed everything Martinez threw at her and showing her technical skills were no mistake. Getting payback for last month, Kaye would even hit a beautiful German Suplex onto the Mid Atlantic Champ! Tagging Wylde in, we got down to brass tax. Wylde picked the pace up with a flying elbow and a sliced bread #2 for a near fall. Pumping the fans up to an even louder fever pitch, Wylde executed a cannonball roll into the corner onto the stunned Martinez. But Martinez showed why he’s been the Mid Atlantic champ for over a year, he fought back. Hitting Wylde with suplex after suplex and various knees to the head, perhaps setting up for his patented Woof Plex, Martinez looked to have just enough again to topple Chris Wylde. But Wylde would deliver a big clothesline to leave both men down in the ring. With both men straining, the tagged in Michelle and Kaye respectively and all hell broke loose! Kaye would fly around the ring hitting Martinez and Michelle as she fired up! Kaye would go to the top rope to seemingly try a big move but Martinez hit a flying punch to the head. He climbed up trying a superplex but was blocked by Wylde. All the fans knew what was coming next. A huge superplex-power bomb combo! The fans gasped as all 3 combatants hit the ring! All 3 were laid out as Michelle climbed into the ring and started taunting the fallen Kaye. Wylde was already up and waiting. As Michelle turned around she was knocked out cold with a super kick! Martinez went on the attack but was stopped as Kaye delivered a kick to the head. Seizing the moment, the ‘Heartkiller’ climbed the top rope and hit a Frog Splash for the pinfall victory.

*Afterwards Chris Wylde took to the mic to challenge Ricky Martinez one last time for the Mid Atlantic championship. Martinez at first refused saying Wylde didn’t deserve it after getting help from a woman. But Wylde persisted saying they needed an ending to their beef. Martinez offered this: Title vs. Career. If Chris Wylde fails to win the ECWA Mid Atlantic championship on December 7th he can NEVER return to the ECWA again! Wylde agreed but delivered some shocking news! If Martinez was going to have Renee Michelle at ringside he wanted someone important to him as well….. He revealed at ringside will be his close friend and WWE Hall of Famer JJ Dillon, who led the legendary Four Horsemen!

Kekoa the Flyin’ Hawaiian defeats ‘Greek God’ Papadon to become the NEW ECWA Heavyweight Champion via the Spanish Fly- Neither men like each other very much. Respect each other? Sure. But certainly no love lost here. As the match started, both men traded verbal insults while shoving each other back and forth. Then business picked up. Chain wrestling, technical prowess ensued as both men move after move reversed each other. The fans greatly appreciated this test of skill. Then the trademark anger of the ‘Greek God’ took over. Papadon would begin his onslaught. Papadon would stun the retreating Kekoa with elbows to the shoulder, a running clothesline, and a huge backbreaker. Kekoa just couldn’t mount much offense. Kekoa wouldn’t be denied as he fought back with chops eventually dumping Papadon out onto the floor. The ‘Flyin’ Hawaiian’ showed how he got that name by flipping over the rope onto Papadon! Both men battled on the outside with Kekoa once again trying to gain the upper hand with a flip over the rope but Papadon moved so Kekoa would crash and burn. Back in the ring, Papadon would hit his trademark flying European uppercut and backbreaker-knee combo. It seemed once again Papadon would show why he’s considered the most dominant ECWA champion in history.  Kekoa and his fans would NOT let that happen…. Kekoa mounted his daring comeback. Kekoa hit chop after chop reminiscent of WWE Hall of Famer Jimmy Snuka and felt the surge of adrenaline. Feeling it, Kekoa would deliver his ‘Hawaii 5-0’ slam before climbing onto the top rope. Trying to hit an elbow drop, Papadon moved out of the way. With both men down, the fans sensed the end was near. Clearly behind Kekoa, the fans cheered as both men climbed to their feet trading punches. Papadon gained the temporary advantage with a sit down clothesline. He would also climb the rope only to be meet be Kekoa. They battled on the top rope when Papadon head butted Kekoa off the turnbuckle. He would hit a diving head butt for a near fall. Getting frustrated, Papadon brutally attacked Kekoa with punches and kicks before hitting a Alpha-Omega shining wizard with his knee exposed. Attempting to make a pin, the referee noticed Kekoa had his foot under the bottom rope. Kekoa’s foot went unnoticed just last month in Carney’s Point, NJ but not this time! Sensing he needed to end this now before Kekoa could catch his next wind, Papadon put Kekoa on the top turnbuckle obviously setting up his deadly Wrath of God Superplex-piledriver combo finisher. He would deliver the superplex then go for the piledriver but Kekoa flipped Papadon over reversing it! The fans were standing and cheering Kekoa on as he pumped himself up. Flying kicks and super kicks oh my as Kekoa stunned the champion! Putting Papadon on the top rope,  the champ would throw Kekoa off. But Kekoa jumped right back up and battled for his life and championship chances. Kekoa picked Papadon up and delivered the soaring and absolutely devastating Spanish Fly. Kekoa crawled with all he had left and made the pinfall 1…2…3! We have a NEW ECWA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!

ECWA presents Toys for Tots on Saturday, December 7, 2013

Greater Newark Boys & Girls Club

109 Glasgow Drive, Rt 40 & #1 Positive Place

Newark, DE 19702

PLEASE join us and the United States Marine Corps as we collect unwrapped, new toys for our annual Toys for Tots toy drive. PLEASE BRING A TOY!


Triple Threat for the ECWA Tag Team Championship

D-Line(c ) vs. Breaker Morant/Apollyon vs. Legion of Destruction

Title vs. Career

*If Wylde loses he has to leave the ECWA forever!

Ricky ‘The Model’ Martinez(c ) w/Renee Michelle vs. ‘Heartkiller’ Chris Wylde w/ WWE Hall of Famer and former leader of the 4 Horsemen JJ Dillon

Kai Katana returns!

And MUCH, MUCH MORE TO BE ANNOUNCED in the coming weeks!

Stay tuned!