Bob’s Random Rumblings: “Rebooking The WWF: Week 34, 1993”

Random RumblingsIt’s the last week before the biggest event of the summer for the WWF. On RAW, WWF World Champion Bret Hart competes in singles action against Jeff Jarrett! On Superstars, the Smoking Gunns meet former WWF World Tag Team Champions Money Inc! Lastly, on Wrestling Challenge Lex Luger squares off against WWF World Tag Team Champion Scott Steiner. What happens in the last week before the big SummerSlam event?!

WWF RAW 8/23/1993 (Manhattan, NY)
1. Ric Flair defeated Virgil in 3:43 with the figure four leg lock.
2. Kings Court w/Jerry Lawler: Jerry Lawler didn’t have a guest on this week as he instead decided to cut promos on the five guys his team of men will be competing against at SummerSlam one week from now. He focuses on Crush first, continuing to say how Crush is a horrible hero as he couldn’t defeat the evil that he believes Yokozuna is. Lawler ripped on Owen and Neidhart saying that they will forever be known as “the other Hart guys”. He calls Jannetty the joke of the Rockers and lastly says that the Kamikaze Kid might not even make the pay per view because he has a 9pm bed time! Lawler finishes the promo saying that royalty prevails in the end and his group of men will be victorious.
3. Ron Simmons defeated Duane Gill in 2:45 following a spine buster. During the bout, Mr. Fuji came down to the ring to wave the Japanese Flag. Following the bout, Simmons grabbed the American Flag and had a waving flag duel with Fuji.
4. Randy Savage Interview: Savage cut a brief promo as he sat at the commentary table saying that he will retain the title of being the greatest WWF Intercontinental Champion and will regain the championship that he made so valuable to this company by beating Shawn Michaels at SummerSlam!
5. Bam-Bam Bigelow defeated Nick Wilson in 2:02 following a diving head butt
6. SummerSlam 1993 Report: Mean Gene runs down the card as we are only one week away from SummerSlam 1993!
7. WWF World Champion Bret Hart defeated Jeff Jarrett in 10:33 with the Sharpshooter. After the match, Lex Luger showed up at the top of the aisle way signaling that he the WWF World Championship will be his in seven days.

WWF Superstars 8/28/1993
1. Tatanka defeated PJ Walker in 2:44 following a Samoan Drop
2. Jeff Jarrett Interview: Jim Ross conducted an interview with Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett talked about trimming Neidhart’s beard off and believes that he has proven that he is a nice guy even though Ross points out that the fans didn’t want him to do that. Ross also points out that Neidhart is coming after his gold locks. Jarrett laughs at the claim telling Ross that Neidhart would have to beat him to cut his hair, and he knows that will never happen!
3. WWF Intercontinental Champion Shawn Michaels defeated Dave Donaldson in 2:06 following a super kick.
4. Crush defeated Gavin Roberts in 1:40 with the Kona Vice
5. Steiner Brothers Interview: Vince McMahon conducted an interview with the Steiner Brothers. McMahon asked the champs how are they possibly going to hit their impact moves such as the Steiner bulldog and the Frankensteiner on the monstrous men Earthquake and Typhoon. Scott tells McMahon that their moves can be hit on their opponents and its just a matter of finding the right timing. Rick also says that they have the determination to do whatever to takes to keep the titles they have fought hard to win. They both say that they aren’t going to let down their hometown fans at SummerSlam!
6. Money Inc. defeated the Smoking Gunns in 7:26 when DiBiase forced Billy to submit to the Million Dollar Dream.

WWF Wrestling Challenge 8/29/1993
1. Yokozuna defeated Robert James/Wade Williamson in 2:35 when Yoko pinned both men following a Bonsai Drop.
2. Ron Simmons/Yokozuna Hype Video: A video promoting the Simmons/Yokozuna feud is aired. The video includes Yokozuna defeating Crush in a flag match and Simmons debuting on July 4th to body slam Yokozuna on the USS Intrepid.
3. Jim Neidhart/Owen Hart defeated Barry Hardy/Jim Powers in 3:57 when Neidhart pinned Powers
4. The Undertaker defeated Joey Maggs in 2:16 following a tombstone pile driver
5. Bam-Bam Bigelow/Undertaker Hype Video: A video promoting the Bigelow/Undertaker feud is aired. The video starts out with Bigelow throwing a fireball into Undertaker’s face at WrestleMania IX and the buildup of Undertaker’s return and Bigelow dominance while Undertaker was out.
6. Lex Luger fought WWF World Tag Team Champion Scott Steiner to a no contest in 6:15 when the Natural Disasters, Rick Steiner and Bret Hart came down to the ring to cause a huge brawl to close out the show.